Sunday, June 12, 2016

Fight or Flight...

I'm an escapist.

For 28 years I served as a mercenary for the Poudre Fire Authority. I received good wages to battle occasional blazes and deal with medical emergencies that would make normal citizens cast their eyes skyward to an imaginary Goodyear Blimp. It was a career that suited the aggressive side of me. That's my fight instinct.

(Read all about it in my book Destroying Demons on the Diagonal),p_27:Jeff%20Sambur/

When a situation or a relationship begins to be bothersome, I take to the hills. Literally. That's my flight instinct kicking in. Maybe that's why I wander so much.

So when Dr. Lonny informed me my Prostate Specific Antigen test came in high, I went into flight mode. (After making an appointment to see a urologist on June 14th.)

I sought succor in four reliable pastimes: baseball, buddies, brews and views. I've been on the road since May 26th. 

Here's a few of the venues I gave flight to: 

Paid homage to 14 Fallen Firefighters. 

Took in five games of Junior College World Series Baseball in Grand Junction. It's always a pleasure to visit Jack, Judy and John T too.

Another visit to Great Sand Dunes National Park. I'll never tire of the sensual subtle curves of those high dunes. (Forgive me. It's been awhile since I had a GF) Its amazing what Mother Nature can do with sand, wind and water in the right setting. 

Lastly, I was ambushed by a rock on my descent off of West Spanish Peak. Outcome: A visit to the ER and four stitches. (If you want to see the gore, look it up on Facebook.) Steven Spielberg is thinking about making my self rescue into an action adventure film starring George Clooney as the Jewish blogger.

Alas, you can run but you can't hide. Occasionally I'd give thought to my upcoming Doctor's appointment. The other night I woke from an awful dream. My heart was pounding as if I was trying to keep pace with the Kenyans sprinting the NYC Marathon. 

The nightmare went like this. I was at the urologist's office. The Doctor, who had the bedside manner of Josef Mengele, told me too bluntly that I had prostate cancer. He then laughed. 

If the urologist looks like the sicko in my nightmare, I'll tell him what I think of the Aryan Race and the Final Solution. Then I'll leave. That'll teach him to mess up my night's rest.

I'm hoping this dream doesn't come true. 

Wish me luck,

Monday, June 6, 2016

If you can't beat 'em...

Join 'em.

Lately, I've seen too many dogs in what used to be unusual places. There's canines in brewpubs, restaurants, supermarkets, Home Depots and on our trails in the National Parks. (That's a real No-No). 

The canine owners seem to have the notion it's within their rights to subject the masses to their pets. Food establishments are caving in to these ideas of entitlements gone awry. Restaurant, brewpubs and grocery stores vie for the title of being "dog friendly." Is a business "dog unfriendly" because they still follow a line of common sense?

What ever happened to our public health laws? I don't want to see human hair in my food or IPA let alone a Golden Retrievers! There's other issues at stake when pooches are in a place of business: there's the barking, the inevitable dog fights and doggie doo accidents. Worst of all would be a potential petter being bitten. 

Pet Owners! We all have to give up a portion of our freedoms as America's population increases. No there's no need  to roll over and play dead. We all have to play nice and follow a few simple rules. The days of doing exactly as we please are long gone. 

For example: I would love to get out of Barley the Van on a summery morning while wearing my invisible pajamas. But I don't. I slip on a pair of shorts and a shirt to make myself somewhat presentable. Society has unwritten rules of decorum based upon others sensibilities. I understand that concept. I may not like it, but I accept it. 

From the photos you can see I'm a dog owner too.

Fido is the most obedient, mild-mannered and low maintenance pet in the World. Even when I take him into National Parks, he doesn't harass other hikers or the wildlife. That's a Good Dog! 

For the record, I don't hate hounds. It's a pet peeve of mine that dog owners are playing their individual rights and entitlement cards too often. Your dog doesn't need to be your drinking buddy too. 

I know this is a curmudgeonly post. Andy Rooney made his living on "60 Minutes" with rants like this. All I need to do is grow those great bushy eyebrows and get discovered by CBS. 

Woof from Dog Friendly Boulder, Colorado 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

I've never thought of myself as a...

Minimalist, until my old buddy Gladdie invited me along to see the movie of the same name  in Boulder, Colorado. 

Here's a description of the movie makers from their website:

Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus write about living a meaningful life with less stuff for 4 million readers. As featured on: ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC, TODAY, NPR, TIME, Forbes, The Atlantic, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and National Post. They live in Missoula, Montana

Holy Crap! 4,000,000 readers! I'm jazzed about 30,000 plus page views! 

Enough page view envy.

The movie detailed how owning little equates to a more fulfilling life. Joshua and Ryan embarked upon a one year road trip across our Great Land of Consumerism preaching the Gospel of Less. They filmed their talks, hugged a lot of people and connected with many Americans who might have been questioning their own personal net worth. There were interviews of people living in tiny houses, tiny apartments and owners of tiny wardrobes. There was one Dude who carried all his stuff in two small duffle bags. I can't top that.

There were no interviews of any 61 year old Jewish man living in a Barley Van down by the river. What am I? Chopped liver? 

For me, getting rid of everything was the logical step to be free to wander and wonder. My stuff was trapping me in Tucson. 

Like I mentioned in my Homeless II post, it all stems from my near ultimate biffing it experience. It's true, being as close as a wisp of wind to getting killed can change a person. 

Then again, I never owned a lot. When I made my big move to Tucson from Colorado, the moving men laughed. They told me most Americans own 6,000 pounds of stuff each! I owned less than 3,000 pounds of stuff for my entire household. The thought of shopping for anything other than food or beer makes me feel queasy.

As I've mentioned numerous times, it's a simple lifestyle. Adjustments have to be made to live on such a small scale. A person can get a bit feral. After three plus years, I'd say I've adapted well. The only things I truly miss is a printer and my Sorrel White Death Boots. I miss not having a girlfriend too, but that's not a thing.

The movie ended with a simple message from Joshua. "Love People, Use Things. The opposite never works." 

I agree with that statement 100%. 

Jeff drinking coffee and writing this from Barley the Van,
Good Day!

PS. This is most of the stuff I own. There is one large red duffle bag, some family photos and maps at my best nephew's Keith's house in Boulder. 

PPS. It's not too late to sign up for the Great W, W J Sweepstakes. OK, the payout is sort of Minimalistic too. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Another Tribute to the Fallen...

While en route to carefree Carbondale, Colorado I decided to drive a few bonus miles to the South Canyon Fire Memorial Trail. This seemed to be a fitting hike with the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend. I dialed up John (another retired firefighter) and invited him along. 

"John, if you've never been there, it's a must see for anyone who's ever fought fire."
That was all I needed to say. John and his wife Sue would meet me at the trailhead. 

While I was following the sun west on Interstate 70, I thought back to the first forest fire I fought in 1976. I was fresh out of Forestry School and had scored a summer gig in the Bighorn National Forest of north-central Wyoming. My District Ranger, Roger Williams was a tightwad character out of Joseph Heller's classic novel "Catch 22." His office was festooned with U.S. Forest Service awards for thriftiness with the government's money. One of his cost-cutting strategies was NOT sending his seasonal employees to any forest firefighting training classes. In his mind's eye the Public's money was better spent on the crews performing their hired duties only. 

He was rolling the dice on the chance of a fire rising within the Medicine Wheel District that season. In the dry summer of '76 Mother Nature tossed a Snake Eyes. An errant lightning bolt struck a Lodgepole Pine and sparked a fire. Reports from passing motorists made their way to Fire Dispatch. The local band of Rookies (us) were called out to battle the small blaze. It was late afternoon. 

By the time this clueless crew arrived, the fire had spread. We grabbed a few firefighting tools and away we went. We had no idea on how to construct a rudimentary fire line. We knew even less about fire behavior or fire safety. I remember running up to a torching tree and heaving shovelfuls of dirt at the red stuff. That was stupid and dangerous. 

Eventually Roger requested a squad of Smokejumpers from Missoula. He also shouted for a "few truckloads of Indians." His gamble on not sending us to fire training school wasn't paying dividends. 

It was dusk by the time the Smokejumpers floated down from the sky. One jumper got tangled up in a tree. Flames were beginning to ascend that same tree. His Comrades went into rescue mode and interrupted a possible bad outcome. Later I was assigned to build fire line with those  "A Team" forest fire fighters. 

We were well into the graveyard shift when a large snag fell silently across the smoky fire line. The defunct tree bisected the distance between me and an adjacent firefighter. I overheard two professionals whisper, "That's just the way Murphy got it last year." It was then I realized, "Crap! A guy can get killed doing this work!"  That bastard Roger Williams gambled with our young lives as well.

Back to the present: John and Sue met me at the trailhead. The parking lot was full with vehicles from the three major Federal Land Barons-the U.S Forest Service, National Park Service and the Bureau of Land Management. There were two empty buses from the Redding, California Hot-Shots too. Apparently we weren't the only ones paying our respects. 

Up the memorial trail we went through the just budded dwarf scrub oak forest. Wild flowers were in bloom filling the steep hillsides with emerging life. It was all Emerald Island green. 

We caught the California Hot-Shots at the killing field where the majority of the Storm King 14 had perished. There are now crosses commemorating the site. 

The young Hot-Shots were decked out in their work attire. Fire fighting tools were clutched in their gloved hands. They wore heavy duty boots, Nomex fire resistant clothing and displayed serious no-nonsense expressions. Each one carried a full backpack. It was almost as if they arrived expecting to fight a rekindle. 

One by one the Hot-Shots touched each stone edifice going from the bottom to the top. Some paused to whisper a prayer. One knelt reverently as she openly
wept. It was a very touching scene. John and I reminded them to "Be Safe!" as we patted a few backs.

This was my second visit to this sigh inducing memorial. My first blog goes into the details of the evolving catastrophe a little more.

On this visit, I left behind an offering. See last photo. I always got thirsty after fighting a fire.

I'm afraid scenes like this will repeat themselves over and over. Forest fires fall into the "Fog of War" category too often. There's too many unknown variables leading up to a perfect storm of death and disaster. It's inevitable when humans place themselves in the line of fire. 

If you ever find yourself near Exit 109, and need to stretch your legs, I highly recommend this stop. It's an impact player of a hike.

Thanks Sue Palmer for allowing me the use of your photos. 

Remember, only you can prevent forest fires, 

Suggested readings: "Young Men and Fire" Norman Maclean
"Fire Season" Phillip Connors
"The Big Burn" Timothy Egan 
"Fire on the Mountain" John N. Maclean 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

When people ask me...

What I do in retirement, my rote answer is "I visit pretty places, take pictures and write about it." If they aren't shaking their heads and retreating by then, I'll add "in the morning, I drink lots of coffee and in the evening a few IPAs. I read a lot too." 

I know pretty simple, but it seems to work for me.

Since April 4th, I've been in five National Parks, one National Monument and a smattering of State Parks. It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it. 

I was forced to make a detour when the Southern Utahan dirt roads got gloppy wet. I traded a cool and clammy Capital Reef NP for a warm and wet Death Valley NP. Retirement like life is all about flexibility and adjustments. 

With me its all about the weather too. Once in awhile the Weather Channel lies and I'll end up in a downfall of White Death. Like Wednesday at Great Sand Dunes NP. I'm now writing "nasty-grams" to the Honchos of the Weather Channel. Talk about disinformation. 

In case you missed a past National or State Treasure, here's a recap.

Stay tuned for the announcement of the "Great Wandering, Wondering Jew Sweepstakes." Who knows? You may already be a winner!

Here's a few snaps from Great Sand Dunes NP. The White Death melted.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Home is where the best...

Breakfast Burritos are and other things.

As I crossed over the Utah/Colorado border, I heaved out an audible sigh. It felt good to be back in the Centennial State. This is Home and it's more than just a mailing address.

BTW many thanks to nephew Keith for the use of his address. He's the CFO who watches over the "Wandering, Wondering Jew's" huge financial empire while I am on the go. I couldn't do this crazy lifestyle without his help. I owe him.

If there's ever a demand for "WWJ" T-Shirts, coffee mugs or beer holders, I'll get my marketing team (me) to start the production line moving. For my faithful readers, it'll be such a deal! 

Here's last year's thoughts of being back in Colorado.

I read the blog over, nothing has changed except now there will be one more family of Sambur's paying state taxes here. Nephew Justin scored a professorship at Colorado State University. Let me be one of the first to welcome J-Man, Deli and Little Max to Paradise. I hope they buy a house with a driveway. It's always nice to plug Barley the Van in for electricity. IPAs taste so much better when they're cold. Reading lights and fresh brewed coffee in the morning are pretty swell too.

So friends and family, I'm looking forward to seeing you. This talking to myself is starting to grow old. (At least I'm not saying "What?") As usual, I'll be looking for folks to play, eat and imbibe with. You know how to find me and right now, I'm not that BUSY!

Here's some photos on why Colorado is more than just the Rockies. 

Cheers and Come on Summer!

"Hey Colorado
It was not so long ago
I left your mountains to try life on the road
But I'm tired of that race
It was much too fast a pace
And I think I've found my place
Colorado, I want to come home

Is it too late to change my mind
I've done some thinking
And I'm trying hard to find
A way to come back home
Cause I've been so very long alone
Won't you take care of your own
I think I'm coming home
I want to come home
Let me come home"

Lyrics by Linda Ronstadt

Friday, May 6, 2016

Belated Flowers for my Mom...

"Don't it always seem to go
You don't know what you got
Till it's gone"

Joni Mitchell

I regret I never gave Clara Sambur flowers on Mother's Day. 
My only excuses are I was too young, clueless and poor at the time. She passed when I was 17. Her final year was spent in and out of hospitals. Mostly in. She died at the age of 52. 
It was a crappy period of my life.

In retrospect, that tiny Viennese born woman (she was 4'11") made a huge impact on me.

Do you like my latch-onto-you-and-hold-on hugs? Thank Clara for that.

Do you like it when I break out into a smile when we make eye contact? Thank Clara for that. 

Do you like the occasional reassuring pats on your back? Thank Clara for that.

Do you like seeing me actually sit still and read a book? Thank Clara for that too.

I'm certain she passed along her gentle genes to me.

So Mom, I brought you some pretty flowers. I just wish I could have handed them to you in person. I still love and miss you.

Here's a little advice: Show your Mom you care while you still can. 

Happy Mom's Day!