Sunday, October 20, 2024

Warning! Political Polly Anna’s and…

Pauly Andy’s won’t like this opinion piece.

Here goes. 

I’m more than concerned America will be shackled to another minority elected subpar president for the third time since the millennium. 

A pox on the Founding Fathers for the “Three/Fifths Compromise” of 1787, thereby wreaking havoc on America ever becoming a true democracy. Yes folks, I’m talking about the infernal Electoral College. See below for a historical explanation.

I predict Kamala will win the popular vote by over 5 million. Unfortunately those bonus points won’t matter if the Harris/Walz ticket is on the short end of the 270 electoral votes required for the W. 

When Trump pulled off the Electoral upset in 2016, good natured Americans proclaimed, “This is not who we are!” Well Polly and Pauly apparently it is. The fact the head instigator of the January 6th, 2021  attempted coup  is within a hair combover lengths of pulling off upset number two exasperates me. It’s as if a significant percentage of the population has historical amnesia. 


3 years later, Jan. 6 by the numbers: More than 1,200 charged, more than 460 imprisoned for role in Capitol attack

Source ABC News. Maybe those charged and incarcerated will think twice before following a lying nicompoop again. Meanwhile their fat Fuehrer waddles free. There’s a lesson here. If you attempt a violent takeover of the US Gobment, you better have lots of shyster lawyers waiting in the wings to defend/delay judicial proceedings. For the wealthy, justice is not only blind, but good ol’ boy slow.

A few months ago I wrote this post. 

My views haven’t changed. All one needs to do is substitute Kamala for Joe B. 

Good News: if Kamala wins, there will only be temporary civil unrest instigated by Trump (again). Eventually the traitors will be subdued and arrested. (Just like on January 6th, 2021)

Bad News: If Trump wins, Democracy is DONE! Then the purges, roundups and a general descent into anarchy will begin. Isn’t this what Trumpism is all about? Trump has bankrupted six of his businesses. The Federal Gobment will be his seventh. 

If the election becomes the second coming of “Gore vs. Bush” the Supreme Court of MAGA will cast the deciding votes once again. The deck is stacked against the Dems. 

How did a morally bankrupt scumbag like Trump ever get this far? What’s and who’s behind this movement? One I consider to be a bowel movement. 

Well folks I’ll tell ya. 

Sambini muse # one:

A society in which a father gifts his deranged thirteen year old son an AR-15 for Christmas is inching towards barbarism. 

“Merry Christmas Colt! (Yes. Dad named his kid after a powerful handgun). I want you to have this semi-automatic murder weapon to promote, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward man.” (Luke 2:14).Maybe when you’re fourteen, I’ll buy you a bump stock to accessorize it.”

In my reality our nation lost its civilized status after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, (December 2012) in which 20 victims were innocent tykes between the ages of six and seven. Yet the school massacres continued with nothing more than “thoughts and prayers” for an answer. We’re a rooting tooting gun loving society in deep need of a shrink. 

In case you’re wondering.

How many guns per person in America in 2024?
With 120.5 civilian-owned firearms per 100 people, the United States has the highest rate of civilian gun ownership in the world—nearly double that of the second-place country, in fact. › ...
Sambini muse # two:

In 2016, Trump chose Pence the Pious as a running mate. Thereby shoring up his standing with many evangelical Christians. All was well and good between the odd couple until Mike miraculously grew a spine (Hallelujah!) on January 6th, 2021. Thus enabling him to stand up to the Bully. The VP then followed procedural protocols to rubber stamp the election results. 

Can you believe the mob of traitors and a motley crew of  Christian Nationalists began chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” Well wasn’t that a poke in the eye (which is preferable than a rope around the neck) to Mike the former Meek?

In 2024, Trump wouldn’t be taking chances on a VP going rogue and righteous at inopportune moments. He chose JD Vance (rookie OH senator) whose claim to fame was writing a waste of paper and ink book about the wonders of growing up white trash in the Buckeye State. Amazingly Mister Vance now has a sincere lack of empathy for the underprivileged. When pressed he’ll now exclaim “Let them eat cat!”

JD’s questionable writing skills didn’t get him this far. He’s the darling of those immigrant Tech Twerps from Silicon Valley. We’re talking about Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and David Sachs. A trio of alt-right illiberal thinkers influenced by growing up nerdy and reading too many sci-fi books. BTW. Elon, we don’t care if you’re net worth $195 billion (source Forbes 2024) a Dude jumping for joy while exposing his navel at a Trump rally is a bad look even for us commoners. 

Personally I believe Trump chose JD for his uncanny resemblance to his beloved son Donald Junior. Just a chubbier version.

Sambini muse # three:

I’m aware of the demographics of Trump’s All In hard core base is. Young and old blue collar white folks. What rankles me the most are the hypo-Christians, the people of color and the 24% of the Jewish voters who can turn their cheeks and plug their ears to Trump’s nativism, scapegoating, cruelty, racism and bigotry. 

Of all of these millions the one who pisses me off the most is a fellow member of the tribe. Trump’s very own speechwriter Stephen Miller.  He’s the coauthor of the infamous “American Carnage” inaugural speech. The other contributor was Steve Bannon who is now serving time in Federal prison on contempt charges. This speech was so wretched former President George Dubya proclaimed “that was some weird shit 💩”

Then it dawned on me while I was reading another Nazi Germany history book. Miller can’t help himself. He’s the kosher reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels who happened to be Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda. Look at these photos! Who knows? Maybe a reform rabbinical exorcism will right this wayward Yid? 

More muses from around the Web:

Trump’s incoherent explanation of the January 6th, 2021 attempted coup.

And at an event at the Chicago Economic Club this week, Mr. Trump said: “People were angry. People went there. And I’ll tell you what, they never show that, the primary scene in Washington was hundreds of thousands, the largest group of people I’ve ever spoken before, and I’ve spoken before, and it was love and peace. And some people went to the Capitol, and a lot of strange things happened there.”

Source New York Times 

On Trump’s hardcore supporters.

But in their defense of Mr. Trump — of his serial lying; his misogyny; his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection — they offered a range of explanations and rationalizations that did not align with any knowable reality.

On Trump’s possible influence on shockingly violent events.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that, in 2016, reported hate crimes jumped by 226 percent in counties that hosted Trump campaign rallies. Perhaps it was a coincidence that hate crimes reached a 16-year high during Trump’s time in office, with a significant increase of violence against Latinos. Perhaps it was a coincidence that the Tree of Life shooter, who killed 11 Jewish worshipers in the worst incident of antisemitic violence in American history, ranted about the same migrant “caravan” that Trump hyped as a threat to the nation in the run-up to the 2018 midterm elections. And perhaps it was a coincidence that the young man who traveled 10 hours to target Mexican Americans in El Paso, killing 23 people, also echoed the president’s constant warnings of an immigrant “invasion” from Latin America.


No liberal political post is complete without a quote from that Georgia Peach Pit. 

After Hurricane Helene, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, the hard-right conservative from Georgia, shared on X the widely debunked claim that government scientists could control the weather. “It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done,” she wrote in one post.

Source New York Times

Needless to say, I’ve lost faith in many of our fellow Mericans. Without the Electoral College, I’d be sleeping peacefully. Now I’m anxious about civil unrest and mass arrests. This is not how elections should be. One psychopath should not hold our country hostage with blatant threats of violence. Like everything else about the past nine years, it’s unprecedented. We can end Trumpism, right here, right now. Please vote Blue and do it often!

I’m nervous, very nervous.


  1. Yikes I agree totally Jeffie and the USA hopefully can’t be that conditioned like the past please 🙏🏽 god help the world 🌎 out. I need to write down what will affect effect me 😊😌🤔 but reality it’s the USA and the world 🌎 🌍

  2. 100% agree, Jeff! Particularly ironic is the hate speech of Stephen Miller, whose grandparents were Holocaust survivors. He rants about ridding the country of immigrants so it's a country for Americans only. Stephen, any Native American would have an airtight case for shipping YOU and your ilk "back where you came from" - their ancestors have been here for thousands of years, while none of yours can have been here for more than a few hundred. You're an immigrant just like those you'd round up and deport. I wish...
