The above quote is often attributed to “Honest” Abe Lincoln although there’s no conclusive historical proof of this. What we do know is on November 5th, 2024, 77,303,568 Americans (source CNN) were fooled into voting for “Dishonest Don.” Thereby forcing me to once again to unleash my political poison pen with musings and predictions of the upcoming four years of making “Project 2025” a reality. (Read: a Rightwinger’s wet dream).
But first a bit of background on whom I describe as the vilest human on the planet.
Trump’s descent onto the national scene was fabricated on the myth of President’s Obama’s birthplace. Our Nation’s nut jobs (Trump being numero uno nut job) believe any woman impregnated by a black man instinctively gravitate to their continent of origin to give birth. In this case Africa and specifically Kenya. Much like salmon returning to the waterway in which they were spawned. Like so many of Trump’s tirades there was never any evidence presented. No matter, since we live in the age where bullshit supplants the truth. Yes facts can really screw up an ear-catching evil yarn. BTW. I’m still waiting for Mexico to pay for the Great Wall of Racism.
Here’s my take on the proliferation of utter nonsense. But before I begin my rant let me say this. At this point, I’ve given up on being concerned about stepping on Trumper’s toes. As their T-shirts once proclaimed, “F—k your feelings.”
Musing # 1)
Too many Americans are incurious and gullible. This is nothing to be proud of.
We are a nation which boasts the largest library in the world. (Library of Congress). Yet we aren’t a Nation of readers. In 2023, 54% of Americans read just one book. Which unfortunately means 46% never read any books. (Source: I find this distressing. If people can’t take the time to open a book, I doubt if they will take a moment to Fact Check. Truthful information can be found on Google. (Just pay attention to the source and cross check.) BUT NOOOOO! It’s so easy to hand over your gray matter to a serial shyster like Trump, than to engage in a moment of mental exercise.
To sum it up. Sorry not sorry Trumpers, that’s just plain stupid! When it comes to forming opinions, think for yourself. As Sid Sambur once told me, “Jeffy! Don’t be a follower. The crowd might be wrong!”
Musing # 2)
There’s a lot of genuine hypo-Christians in our country. I’m not a Christian nor do I play one on Facebook, but what I do know is this. Jesus was a prophet of peace. He displayed empathy to the underprivileged. He was a welcome wagon to strangers. He didn’t discriminate. He called out the greedy and the gluttonous. He was totally “anti-schnorrer” (Yiddish for a taker). In other words Jesus was a Mensch.
A major portion of Trump’s support comes from the so-called evangelical Christians scattered across the US. In my opinion there’s nothing Christian about Trump or his White Christian Nationalist agenda. A screw the poor, the underprivileged, the LGBTQ community, and the undocumented workers who pay taxes and are functional members of society. It’s all scapegoating so Trumpers won’t dwell upon what really matters. Affordable housing, a better healthcare system, a livable wage, improving public education and forward thinking to reduce (not ignore) the effects of climate change.
For the above reasons, each day I send out thoughts and prayers for a hypo-Christian Rapture. To one day wake up and find all those poseurs are gone. I don’t care which direction they rapture off to.
Let Jesus sort it out.
For a more eloquent take on this. I recommend “The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory” by Tim Alberta.
I’m with Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde. She called it the way she saw it. A true Christian and Mensch-ette.
Musing #3)
77,303,568 Americans have an all too short attention span coupled with a severe case of historical amnesia.
On January 6th, 2021 Trump instigated an attempted violent overthrow of our government. On that infamous day G.I Joe/Jane wannabes and US Capitol Police suffered injuries. One follower of the phony prophet made the ultimate sacrifice and ended up dead as a result of severe lead poisoning. She was shot point blank by a Defender of our Constitution.
I refrained from sending condolence cards to her family.
Eventually the Capitol was breached by losers, suckers and thugs. Murder and mayhem was on their agenda as they rampaged through the former Temple of peaceful transitions of presidential power.
Apparently all of the above information was forgiven and forgotten by way too many Mericans. (especially in the swing states.)
Then again the price of eggs under Biden was so high.
From January 20th, 2021 onward Justice was served as over 1500 miscreants and screwballs were charged with various Federal offenses including sedition. On January 20th, 2025 a twice impeached p—-y grabbing felon pardoned pretty much all of them. Thereby unleashing a red tide of angry, unremoseful gun-toting felons on the civilian population.
Remember when the GOP stood for “Law and Order.” Ahh those were the days.
All I can say is shame on all of you who voted for the vilest human on our planet.🌏
Personally I believe the morality of many Americans is at the Mariana Trench level. That’s 6.8 miles below sea level. There’s no going lower.
Here’s my predictions on WTF’s ahead.
A) This will be the most corrupt, grift taking and sleazy Administration in our Nation’s history. Trump and his slimy cohorts will outdo Grant’s Credit Mobilier Scandal, Harding’s Tea Pot Dome scandal, Nixon s Watergate scandal, Reagan’s Iran-Contra scandal and the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal COMBINED!
Now here’s the really crappy part of this scenario. This will be done in broad daylight with absolutely no attempt at subterfuge. Trump is that assured of his political mandate and Americans apathetic nature.
B) Tech Twerps will impact the next four years. Musk proved how easily Trump can be bought. All it takes is $250 million to buy yourself a quasi-cabinet post. Plus! A swell seat at the table next to former presidents. Yet none of Trump’s po’ supporters blinked. Many came to DC to stand out in the cold (literally) to wistfully catch a glimpse of their anointed Messiah.
Meanwhile Zuckerberg and Bezos wait in the wings (with wallets opened) to pounce when the Musk/Trump bromance ends. Boo f—ken Hoo.
C) Trump will eviscerate and defund Government agencies. He has already placed a slew of nincompoops/schlimazels at the head of many agencies.Thereby assuring their impotence for getting anything done. Project 2025 folks who score Cabinet positions are jumping for joy! They will get their wish! Small incompetent Gobment! As the world turns hotter and more polluted while those greedy rich bastards (with tax cuts) become wealthier.
Ain’t America Great?
D) Trump will continually test the limits of his powers. The Constitution and Rule of Law be damned! There will be no compromising. Trump’s way or the Highway.
So folks, we will all reap what 77,303,568 Americans have sown. Chaos, corruption and incompetence in this upcoming four years of the US of Banana Republic.
BTW. The price of eggs will probably stay high for a while.
Cheers to better times eventually and hopefully.
Hi Jeff, I gotta say I’ve read each and every word of this post and you are spot on! That’s about all I got to say which is probably enough… Project 25 is well underway and we’ve just survived week one. I totally agree. Well done!
ReplyDeleteI'm grateful you ended with a cheery photo with blue sky and flowers! I'll try to keep that kind of image in my mind for the next 4 years, but it will be a hard task.
ReplyDeleteHe's possessed by Satan. Yay Bishop Budde! The look on his face as she spoke to him was telling! He didn't like his obvious failing being called to the attention of all. Too bad that first guy missed.
ReplyDeleteYes, spot on. Unfortunately, most Americans are too stupid to even realize that trump and his cronies are raping and pillaging our country while lining their own pockets. He is doing exactly what he said he’d do, and although he did try to distance himself from project 2025, his minions have been busy as beavers honing the plan. If I believed in god, I’d pray we survive the next four years. It’s going to be a sh— show!
ReplyDeleteQuite a rant! Right on and well said! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this rant and read. 100% agree it's the ignorant bunch of non readers that are following the crowd. I gently asked a family member why they voted for Trump (btw a non reader). "Because he pledged to rid us of illegals. " No comment.
ReplyDeleteAmericans have always come together in a crisis. No matter our differences when a disaster hits we come together! In my scenario it turns out he really is the great uniter. The scope of the disaster we are about to face with his cruel, crazy destruction of everything good in this world, will find us gathering together for the worlds biggest barn raising! Only joyful united people can defeat such an evil. Keep connecting with others and prepare for the great awakening.
ReplyDeleteExcellent prognosticating. Trump is fearlessly moving forward with project 2025 (that he had never heard of) especially now that the Supreme Court has given him carte Blanche to do whatever he wants without fear of consequences. We will see if he respects the court orders that have begun to come his way. I don’t have a lot of confidence that he will. It will be interesting to see what happens and if any Republicans in congress step up to the plate to help save our democracy.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t read this on January 25 when posted; I likely had given up reading anything but daily cartoons. Your predictions are spot on and only in this short time have they become a pan unfortunate reality with more to come at a pace that they’re hoping we won’t be paying attention. 😢