Monday, March 20, 2017

Scenes from a BUSY place..

There's 22 million humans in Southern California. I've never met most of them. I know Brad (brother from another Mother)

 I also know there was World Baseball Classic games in San Diego. That's two reasons to venture to a stupidly crowded landscape. I'll add a third reason to say those mellow Southern Californian Dudes make a very palatable, thirst quenching IPA as well.

To sum up the experience: The baseball was entertaining, the traffic scared me, Brad was fun to hang out with, the prices were earthshaking, the food better than average, the rest and relaxation was sparse, I caught another cold, the women are fit and beautiful, the hiking was non-existent, its 23 hours of noise with a one hour break,  and the weather was cool and clammy damp. 

I'm now a tired sloth. It's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live here.

It was a unique week for me, but I'm ready to retreat to quieter places. Wont you take me back to your warm bosom Death Valley National Park?

Wish me luck on my drive...

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