Monday, December 8, 2014

Farblonzhet in ...

Death Valley National Park...

The Yiddish word for lost. I wandered around (remember my blog's title) for over three hours searching for the route up Corkscrew Mountain. I journeyed up washes, gullies and canyons before Eureka! I found actual cairns leading towards the peak. By this time it was too late to continue upon this 9 mile RT hike.

There's only 9 hours and 45 minutes between sunrise and sunset here. A long blink and you can miss it. 
Like General MacArthur I shall return (maƱana) and shoot photos to prove it.

Tonight you will have to settle for Mosaic Canyon. In the fire service they told us to always have a Plan B in case Plan A's not working. Here's Plan B photos. 


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Time to squelch...

the rumor that I have forsaken my traveling buddy for a pipsqueak roller skate of a car.
Not so. Here is Barley posing for a Ford commercial. 

Is there anyone in the Motor City noticing? Barley has star qualities written all over him. 

Looking Good! Barley!

OY! It's so humid...

in Death Valley National Park. 
Within the past week, California finally received some much needed moisture. During the precipitation event, Death Valley scored six-tenth of an inch of rain. For a region that averages less than 2 inches/year, this was a virtual Noah's Ark Deluge. 

There's standing water, mud and morning dew. While hiking the spongy air feels more Florida than Furnace Creek. Go figure!

I think this waterfall is contributing to the wet feeling too. 

Direct from Furnace Creek, California it's Sunday Night Live!