Thursday, August 20, 2015

Of Old Maps and Men...

and the Continental Divide Trail in Colorado. (Remember High Country in this Cannabis Friendly state can have a few meanings.) 

The other day when I topped out on Cottonwood Pass (12,161') with Barley, I was astride the Continental Divide. For those who don't understand the concept of the Great Water Split; here it is. If you spill an IPA brew on the sunrise side, it will flow toward the Arkansas River and even further downstream into the Gulf of Mexico. Waste a good beer on the sunset side, and it will percolate to the Colorado River. That liquid won't make it to its old delta, every drop is appropriated by three very thirsty lower basin southwestern states. 

Back to the story: I stopped long enough on the pass to appreciate the view. I noticed a trail leading south. Just as I was about to explore what it was all about, a thunderclap and a bolt of electricity chased me back inside my van. I checked an ancient map I had of the area and it showed no trails in the vicinity. Later, when I camped with my buddy and ex-forester Paul,  he told me what's it all about.

"People were putting in social trails adjacent to the actual Continental Divide. The routes got pretty banged down along the ridge line. The U.S. Forest Service finally decided to make it part of the official CDT. You can follow it forever." 
Well, maybe not forever but at least to Columbus, New Mexico. 

I chased three or four miles of the trail the next day. I shifted to and fro from one side of the Divide to the other. The views were all grand above tree-line spectacular. 

For once, rogue social trails turned out to be a good thing. See for yourself. That sage grouse was the only hiking companion I had that day. I enjoyed his company. 

Good night from Gunnison, Colorado.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Now somewhere back in Colorado...

Yes, Wyoming has many scenic attractions, but let's not forget that Colorado is no chopped liver either. (No Jew wants to be compared to chopped liver. Hence the expression, "What am I? Chopped liver?" 

After provisioning up with the necessities: fuel, IPA's, coffee, bread for PB&J's, cheese, eggs and lots of fruit and veggies, I aimed Barley west toward the mountains. As usual (for this summer) my plans for the next few weeks are loosely structured. I made a few reservations for campsites and have a notion of route of travel. 

My first stop was Buena Vista and Eddyline Brewery. Here in the Arkansas River Valley the adjacent Collegiate Peaks go "Air Jordan" from the flats below. 

No summer in Colorado is complete without a scramble to the top of a 14'er. That's Centennial State slang for a peak over 14,000 feet. In the Heart of the Rockies, we have 54 to choose from. Today, I chose 14,196' Mount Yale. They don't call them the Collegiate Peaks for nada. 

Speaking about colleges! Colorado's crowds will be heading back to school soon. Campsites and seats in brewpub's will be more plentiful. Hiking will go back to being a silent sport. There will be less road rage. It's all good and I'm looking forward to it. 

In the last picture: that's good buddies Paul and Robin. They are my neighbors at Taylor Reservoir. 

I'm a lucky guy. I even have Happy Hour company. 

From cloudy Colorado,

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Roamin' in Wyoming...

There's a draw to the 10th largest state in the Union with a population less than a New York City Borough. I'm talking about the Cowboy State with their newest tourist slogan, "Forever West." 
There's probably more antelope, deer, moose and elk than people there. For me, that's a good thing. 

Me, Barley the Van and Jenny (she's a Wandering, Wondering Jew in training) struck out north from the Front Range of Colorado. (There's 5.3 million Coloradoans. The secret is out.)
Our game plan was simple; hike, Happy Hour, sight see and camp in quieter, less traveled surroundings. We got our wish.
After summiting Medicine Bow Peak, we paid a visit to two Wilderness areas. We hardly brushed other bipeds along our way. Nothing but scenery, our thoughts and silence (when I wasn't babbling). 

Jenny took all her new experiences in stride. She actually enjoyed campfire Happy Hours and U.S. Forest Service campgrounds. She's a real tough, adaptable Jewess. 

Goodnight from Buena Vista, Colorado 