Kona on the Big Island.
It was a pip squeak plane that took me and a few passengers on a puddle jump of a flight. I'm not sure if I would call the Pacific Ocean a puddle though. The flight crew seated us according to our weight. For those who keep score, I was in seat number one.
Here's a photo of Mauna Kea with White Death coating the top of it.
I might be there in a few days. There's a lot of lava on this island. It's the Big Baby in the Hawaiian chain of islands. This geologic infant is still growing.
So far, Kona gets two thumbs up. There's more blue collar bars than skin care emporiums here. I like that. Kona coffee is waking me up now. I like that too.
Short hike this morning before the 1 pm Super Bowl start based upon Hawaiian Island Time.
Have a great Super Bowl Sunday,
Drink responsibly and Go Seattle!