Saturday, August 9, 2014

Busted in Boulder, Colorado...

I was hiking the Sanitas Trail, minding my own business (that's what they all say) when I heard the authoritative voice behind me.

"Sir! Please pull off the trail in a safe place and stop."

Caught! By the feared Fitness Police of Boulder.

"Sir! I have reason to believe you are currently in violation of Boulder's Limited Girth Ordinance. I'll need to take a few fat caliper measurements on you. Please stand still." 

Oh the embarrassment.
He grabbed a few fat folds of mine and squeezed the calipers. The results went into his hand held calculator. I knew the jig was up when he shook his head after each measurement. His "Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" wasn't a good sign either.

"Just what I thought. You have a double-digit percentage of body fat. That's against the law  within the Boulder City limits. I'm issuing you a warning citation to leave Boulder in 48 hours or face the consequences." 

I gulped hard and asked, "What's the penalty?"

"Two weeks of hard labor in our Whole Foods Supermarket. You will only be fed gluten-free bread and smoothies. It's a fair sentence for the crime."

"What did I do that tipped you off?"

"You weren't trail running this mountain."

So.... I packed up Barley and got out of town before sunset.

I'm now in fatter-friendly Fort Collins, Colorado.

That's OK. One door closes and another one opens.

Be well and lean,

Friday, August 8, 2014

There will never be

another Boo.

Some people aspire to climb the highest peaks, descend the lowest canyons or win the local 10K Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. 

There's some who seek out spiritual pursuits: Holy pilgrimages, energy vortexes or yoga retreats.

My quest has been simpler. OK! I'll write it before you think it. Yep, he's simple in the brain too. I'm guilty as charged. 

I have been on a 36 year quest to discover Colorado's Best (burp) Breakfast Burrito. 

This search has taken me to the Kansas-like eastern plains of Colorado, the English  as a second language San Luis Valley, the heavily populated I-25 corridor of the Front Range and Colorado's way-too-cool mountain towns of altitude and attitude. 

It's been an exhaustive study of contrasting breakfast burrito styles, shapes and service. It's time for me to impart my discoveries.

The envelopes please: 

Coming in Third Place, my old home town's Farmer's Table in Fort Collins. 
To be honest, the only reason this BB scored a "show" finish was it's lack of volume and depth. The green chile is extremely savory, there's just not enough heft for me. How can a guy get through a 10 mile hike with this Rhode Island sized skillet breakfast on board? Double the size of this presentation and it would be Numero Uno. 

Second place, the Durango Diner's massive, marathon feed of a BB captures the "Place" award.This specimen is so huge, it even has it's own zip code. A cyclists can compete in the Iron Horse Classic (and win) with one of these babies under his belt. 
An awesome mound of culinary delight.
Say yo to Gary (owner, cook and good person) behind the counter if you dare to accept this challenge.

And the undisputed champion of Colorado is Minturn's Turntable Diner. Home of the Boo! This Godzilla of a breakfast is so massive you almost need sideboards to keep it contained within Minturn's city limits. Yes, size matters, but this one has flavors to match it's girth. (Order it with black beans stuffed inside. Yum!) 

The Boo is worth the two mile detour (bonus miles) off I-70 to pay it a call. As far as the decor of the Turntable goes, let's just say Elvis has NOT left the building. 

For the folks with "Girly-Man" appetites (wimps), there's the Baby Boo. 

There you have it. Sweep up the confetti and enjoy the best of what Colorado has to offer.

Here are a few honorable mentions: 
The Shack, Steamboat Springs
The Pancake, House Salida
The Red Barn, Montrose

Worst breakfast burrito in Colorado served up with a surly Tea Party Republican attitude? Ask me...
It ain't in Boulder!

The quest to discover America's best IPA is a work in progress as you can see from the photo. 
So many IPAs so little time...

But wait! Here's a final bonus to this blog.

I'm willing to share my green chile recipe. (Kosher style even)
Such a deal!

Sambini's Famous Kosher Green Chile Recipe.
Get a Dutch Oven or a Crock pot, it's better in a Dutch Oven.
5 chicken breasts
2 large cans of Hach Green chiles (hack them up into bite sized pieces)
1 lbs can of diced tomatoes
1 can of chicken broth
1 large onion
2 TBS cumin
Lots of diced (minced) garlic
some cilantro
a handful of flour in a plastic bag.
1-2 jalapenos
1 can of pinto beans
some cooking oil (olive) to fry things up with.
dice up the chicken and toss into the bag o' flour
dice up onion and toss into the oil and then toss in the floured chicken until kind of brown.
toss in the garlic, tomatoes, chicken broth etc etc and cook for about 1 day at low heat. better in a dutch oven.
a few hours before you wanna eat it, toss in the can of pinto beans.
drink a few IPAs  and enjoy!

This can be made into a vegetarian dish by leaving out the chicken and adding more beans and some potatoes. Oh yeah, vegetable broth instead of cluck cluck broth. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Oh My Gourd!!!!

Just a reminder garden tumor season is upon us. That innocent looking squash you tenderly planted in the spring might be performing a forced entry into your home come August. It might even nudge you off your toilet seat. You have been warned.

Garden Tumor provided by horticulturist extraordinaire Courtney Sambur, Boulder, Colorado. 

Plant safely,