Sunday, October 11, 2020

I’ve always been restless.

 If you need proof, check the name of this blog.

I drove cross country when I was just 17. I was footloose and on the road even before then. The one personal correlation I’ve noticed is this. The more stressed I am the more shpilkes (Yiddish for ants in the pants) I exhibit. 

By now some of you might be thinking, “Jeffy! What are you fretting over? You live in one of the most desirable towns in Picturesque Colorado. You’re in a community with kind and caring neighbors. You’re seemingly healthy. You live a minimalistic lifestyle with no real money issues. What’s your problem!”

I’m glad you asked. So, I’ll tell ya.

1)There’s the on-going worry of being a single senior in a couples world.

2)Of course there’s Covid in which the US is lacking in responsible Leadership. IE: President Virus Vector‘s announcement on February 26, 2020:

"This is a flu. This is like a flu," the president said in a briefing. "It's a little like a regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner."

More downplaying from the Tax Evading Blowhard. As of this posting, there’s over 214,000 Covid deaths in the US. New cases are soaring too. (Including Trump and his ilk) 

 This isn’t the seasonal flu.

3)Then there’s the impending election with a campaigning President threatening to once again, undermine the Constitution. On September 21st, Trump said: "We'll want to have — get rid of the ballots and you'll have a very — we'll have a very peaceful — there won't be a transfer, frankly. There'll be a continuation." 

If Obama had eloquently uttered these same treasonous thoughts, Merican bred White Taliban Terrorists would be massing along 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. They would come dangerously armed and bearing lynching ropes

This is White Privilege. 

Then there’s the notable quote from the Jerry Springer show Presidential debate. “Stand back and Stand by.” We now have a President dropping napalm on the flames of angry p—-ed off militia groups like the Proud Boys. A President inciting a world of Mad Max anarchy. Shameful.

It’s correct to say, I’m fearful and stressed about current events. Since the Spring, I’ve slept more in my truck and pop-up camper than at home. Its my attempt to disconnect and getaway. 

Alas, I’m not the only one feeling angst. Campgrounds are full, yet quiet. There’s not much interaction  going on. A few friendly waves from socially acceptable distances is about it. It’s a tough time to cultivate relationships.

Despite the Covid and the Commander of Chaos, I’ve had a great spring, summer and fall. My new toy has enabled me to get to places, which were only dreamlike in my past. I’ve hiked to incredible destinations where people are visitors who don’t remain. I smiled more in my “No Service” campsites than I did in my WIFI friendly home. I slept better out there too.

Please check in on me after November 3rd or when a proven vaccine becomes available. Until then, I’ll probably have shpilkes.

BTW. My new truck and camper now have a name. It’s “Sanctuary Too.”

Stay safe, sane and healthy. Keep your head down and your mask on tight.



  1. Jeff,
    I feel the same way! I really can't sleep. But celebrating a birthday might be just the thing we need! Shaun and I will be there next Sunday!

  2. Agree but the word was s “shpilikes”
    Gotta have a “L”

  3. Say a prayer that Joe Biden stays safe and healthy.

  4. love your stuff. big question.....who takes the photos?

    1. Thx! You wouldn’t happen to be buddies with Simon and Schuster, would you?
      As far as the photos go, many are taken on a timer. The other one’s featuring me were taken by the paparazzi who hound me!

  5. Seniors don’t stay couples forever. Many die leaving a spouse ill prepared for managing a life on their own. I think it actually gets less coupled the older we get. Consider yourself a well seasoned, competent widower without the grief of losing.
    Studies find men who have lost a spouse anxious to replace their missing partner while women relish the single life after the initial shock of death.
    Always moments of loneliness, even when coupled. My advice is get a dog 🐶

    1. There’s something about Mary! I’ve been by myself for well over a decade. I don’t have the “Mayor” personality of most people. Read this for explanations

      One of the biggest reasons I gave up the Homeless by Choice lifestyle was that it got lonely out there.

      I’m about as likely to own a dog as I am a gun! No to both.
      You’re in a good place in NZ with billions of buddies.
