Sunday, February 16, 2020

100,000 Plus Page Views....

 and counting.

On July 4th, 2014, I launched the Wandering Wondering Jew blog. At that time, I was relatively new to the Homeless by Choice lifestyle. 

I began blogging as an electronic way of journaling.  My early posts were basic, innocent, simple and oftentimes pretty lame! Every now and then, I displayed an eye-catching photo. In those rookie years of blogging, I was posting excessively. 

As I aged, I posted less often, but said more. 

I managed to live up to the Wandering part of the blog’s title. Maybe you followed along on my overseas trips: Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Spain, Greece, Portugal, France, Switzerland, UK, New Zealand and Australia.

If not maybe it was the stateside travels with Barley the Van. If so you noticed the highs.

The lows:

And the capitulation of finally giving up the homeless by choice lifestyle:

In between, you might have read about my chosen lifestyle. It wasn’t acceptable to many. When looked upon as an outlier, one becomes an outlier.

I pride myself on penning an honest blog. If something stunk on ice, you heard about it. If something was double IPA outstanding, you read about that too. I tried to create a blog far removed from the daily Fake News so pervasive in today’s society. It might be Old School but I believe truth and facts matter. 

Now, I’m not wandering as much. I settled down in Durango, CO. It’s a good fit despite requiring warmer sanctuaries in the wintery time of the year. Retirement for me, has always been a work in progress. 

As of Black Tuesday 2016, (AKA Election Day), I began publishing politically based posts. Let it be known, I detest writing them. I miss the Good Ol’ Days of existing in a relatively drama-free America. I yearn for a return of going about my business of being a retired senior citizen.  However, to acquiesce by gulping another IPA goes against my nature. I can’t ignore the daily assaults on the Constitution, our wild lands and wildlife and the dismantling of the Federal Government. I may be small, but I have big opinions. Maybe more Mericans need to throw out the Yellow BS Flags more often?

Back to the milestone. 100,000 plus of anything is a lot. This turning point would’ve meant more to me if it were 100% legit. In other words, if all those humans on a Worldwide basis actually read what I wrote. However, that’s not the case. I guesstimate 12,000-15,000 of those page views were trolls, ‘bots or everyday wannabe hackers. I’m sort of clueless as to what those Russians, Ukrainians and  inhabitants from an “Unknown Region” are probing for. My blog hasn’t made me a Bud Light’s worth of $, has never been quoted and hasn’t drawn the attention of either Simon or Schuster. What are they trying to discover? 

Maybe they are looking for an answer to the Big Question? 

What is Life? 

From Wikipedia: 

Life was published for 53 years as a general-interest light entertainmentmagazine, heavy on illustrations, jokes, and social commentary. Life was the first all-photographic American news magazine, and it dominated the market for several decades.” 

There! Now you trolls, ‘bots and wannabe hackers can stop clicking on my blog site. You now have the answer to what you’ve been searching for.

Keep looking in. I’ll be more inspired to write when I return back to Durango, CO from Snobsdale, AZ. 

BTW. Barley the Van has been replaced by a 4x4 Toyota Tundra. Eventually, there will be a pop up camper plopped down upon it. Next year more desert camping in inspiring places,  less time in Snobsdale. 

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. I love your creativity and posts and your book Jeff
    What is life? I think it is up to You 👁 to live it fullest and make a positive difference.
    See you back in Colorado soon

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