A New World Order!

At the first Cabinet meeting led by Merica’s vilest president, a non-elected, non Senate confirmed Tech Twerp made his sinister presence known. Musk stood over his docile prey (AKA the Trump Cabinet) alternately thanking them for their servitude and berating them. The Suck-Up-Bet members suddenly developed a bad case of shpilkes (ants in their pants) while they remained seated. The only thing missing were the dunce caps adorning their shameless heads.

Amazingly! No one was unhappy! One could almost hear the clatter of one hand clapping.

BUT the correlation of Nikita’s brilliant comeback to the Stalin’s based fear and Trump’s bullying were cut from the same shit smeared diaper. Cruelty and intimidation.

BTW: Here’s the reality of Federal Employees and the Federal Budget.

It’s not only layoffs affecting “We the People.”

But! There’s a feel good Polly Anna epilogue to all these layoffs and forced resignations.

Anyone who watched the tag team assault by #47 and JD Quisling on Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy in the Oval Office witnessed the birth of the New World Order. Diplomacy, Decency and Democracy are now historical concepts. Ukraine has been tossed under a Russian T14-Armata tank. Merica is now aligned with Putin. A White Hypo-Christian Nationalistic worldwide bowel movement will be the next BIGLY thing. The outcome will be similar to the Nazi Regime of 1930’s to 1945. A low point in US/World History.

Spoiler Alert! It won’t be new or orderly.
A while ago, I read a non-fiction book about the Soviet Union. The part I recall was concerning Khrushchev’s long winded speech to the Russian Politburo in February 1956. This was after Stalin’s death in 1953 in which Joe left behind a reign of terror on his own people.
Source Wikipedia
Mind you this total does not include the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in which 3.5-5 million Ukrainians starved to death in what was AKA the Ukrainian Famine. Scholars still debate whether this was an intentional Stalin maneuver or just gross negligence.
So by now we’ve established the fact Stalin was a feared and loathsome leader to his own people.
Back to Nikita. In his speech he railed against Stalin’s brutal excesses. The story goes when there was a lull in the action, a bureaucrat shouted out, “why didn’t you do something?”
In which ol’ K looked menacingly down at the White Russians below. “Who said that? Who said that?”
Absolute silence. When the pause went on long enough. Nikita shouted back. “That’s why we didn’t say anything! We feared him!”
Back to our current political chaos.
At the first Cabinet meeting led by Merica’s vilest president, a non-elected, non Senate confirmed Tech Twerp made his sinister presence known. Musk stood over his docile prey (AKA the Trump Cabinet) alternately thanking them for their servitude and berating them. The Suck-Up-Bet members suddenly developed a bad case of shpilkes (ants in their pants) while they remained seated. The only thing missing were the dunce caps adorning their shameless heads.
To add piss to the punch bowl, #47 had to defile and demean these former adults even more. “Is anybody unhappy with Elon? If you are, we’ll throw him out of here. Is anyone unhappy?”
Amazingly! No one was unhappy! One could almost hear the clatter of one hand clapping.
The above black comedy moment was based on a NY Times article by Jess Bidgood.
BUT the correlation of Nikita’s brilliant comeback to the Stalin’s based fear and Trump’s bullying were cut from the same shit smeared diaper. Cruelty and intimidation.
So how did the richest and second vilest human on the planet end up in a Cabinet meeting?
The answer is simple. Bribery!. All it took was a Musk $288 million donation to Trump’s campaign. (For comparison shopping. Yellowstone NP (founded in 1872) annual budget was $35 million in 2021.) The Tesla Ketamine Junkie spoke the same two word language as Trump. $$$$$$$ and power. With that chump change amount (for him) he was able to buy his way into an influential role of devastating our Federal Agencies with mass layoffs. However he did display a crumb of empathy for those who were about to lose their jobs. Here’s the quote. The layoffs would “Necessarily involve some temporary hardships.” Can’t you just feel his pain? NOT!
BTW: Here’s the reality of Federal Employees and the Federal Budget.
“According to recent data, federal employee compensation makes up around 4.3% of the total federal budget.
Explanation: While the exact number can fluctuate slightly, most sources indicate that the cost of salaries for federal employees represents a relatively small portion of the overall federal budget, currently sitting around 4-5%.”
Laying quality employees off is not a true cost saving measure. It’s the equivalent of removing one barnacle from the back of a humpback whale. A futile effort.
It’s not only layoffs affecting “We the People.”
President Musk’s Geek Squad hacked into the Department of Housing and Urban Development to secure medical and financial records of private citizens. (Source ProPublica). All this with the Blessings of Trump and his enablers.
This will not end well.
Meanwhile back in the Vile House, # 47 continues his rampage of firing key military personnel, Inspector Generals and DOJ lawyers. Any potential threats to his Dictatorship are being 86ed out of the system. With this current administration the Constitution, the Rule of Law and checks and balances are so passé.
But! There’s a feel good Polly Anna epilogue to all these layoffs and forced resignations.
“What’s that? Jeffie!”
At least they walked out of their Gobment position alive. Stalin would have had them executed or exiled to a Siberian gulag. Maybe this is a Trump/Musk’s idea of George Dubya’s talk of a “compassionate conservatism.”
Back to the title of this post.
Anyone who watched the tag team assault by #47 and JD Quisling on Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy in the Oval Office witnessed the birth of the New World Order. Diplomacy, Decency and Democracy are now historical concepts. Ukraine has been tossed under a Russian T14-Armata tank. Merica is now aligned with Putin. A White Hypo-Christian Nationalistic worldwide bowel movement will be the next BIGLY thing. The outcome will be similar to the Nazi Regime of 1930’s to 1945. A low point in US/World History.
Is anybody unhappy about this?
For further readings on my bragging rights for predicting this. Please take a gander.