Friday, March 14, 2025

Coming soon to a planet near you!

A New World Order! 

Spoiler Alert! It won’t be new or orderly.

A while ago, I read a non-fiction book about the Soviet Union. The part I recall was concerning Khrushchev’s long winded speech to the Russian Politburo in February 1956. This was after Stalin’s death in 1953 in which Joe left behind a reign of terror on his own people. 

Source Wikipedia 

Mind you this total does not include the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in which 3.5-5 million Ukrainians starved to death in what was AKA the Ukrainian Famine. Scholars still debate whether this was an intentional Stalin maneuver or just gross negligence. 

So by now we’ve established the fact Stalin was a feared and loathsome leader to his own people.

Back to Nikita. In his speech he railed against Stalin’s brutal excesses. The story goes when there was a lull in the action, a bureaucrat shouted out, “why didn’t you do something?” 

In which ol’ K looked menacingly down at the White Russians below. “Who said that? Who said that?” 

Absolute silence. When the pause went on long enough. Nikita shouted back. “That’s why we didn’t say anything! We feared him!” 

Back to our current political chaos.

At the first Cabinet meeting led by Merica’s vilest president, a non-elected, non Senate confirmed Tech Twerp made his sinister presence known.  Musk stood over his docile prey (AKA the Trump Cabinet) alternately thanking them for their servitude and berating them. The Suck-Up-Bet members suddenly developed a bad case of shpilkes (ants in their pants) while they remained seated. The only thing missing were the dunce caps adorning their shameless heads. 

To add piss to the punch bowl, #47 had to defile and demean these former adults even more.  “Is anybody unhappy with Elon? If you are, we’ll throw him out of here. Is anyone unhappy?”

Amazingly! No one was unhappy! One could almost hear the clatter of one hand clapping.

The above black comedy moment was based on a NY Times article by Jess Bidgood.

BUT the correlation of Nikita’s brilliant comeback to the Stalin’s based fear and Trump’s bullying were cut from the same shit smeared diaper. Cruelty and intimidation.

So how did the richest and second vilest human on the planet end up in a Cabinet meeting? 

The answer is simple. Bribery!. All it took was a Musk $288 million donation to Trump’s campaign. (For comparison shopping. Yellowstone NP (founded in 1872) annual budget was $35 million in 2021.) The Tesla Ketamine Junkie spoke the same two word language as Trump. $$$$$$$ and power. With that chump change amount (for him) he was able to buy his way into an influential role of devastating our Federal Agencies with mass layoffs. However he did display a crumb of empathy for those who were about to lose their jobs. Here’s the quote. The layoffs would “Necessarily involve some temporary hardships.” Can’t you just feel his pain? NOT! 

BTW: Here’s the reality of Federal Employees and the Federal Budget.

“According to recent data, federal employee compensation makes up around 4.3% of the total federal budget. 
Explanation: While the exact number can fluctuate slightly, most sources indicate that the cost of salaries for federal employees represents a relatively small portion of the overall federal budget, currently sitting around 4-5%.
Laying quality employees off is not a true cost saving measure. It’s the equivalent of removing one barnacle from the back of a humpback whale. A futile effort. 

It’s not only layoffs affecting “We the People.” 

President Musk’s Geek Squad hacked into the Department of Housing and Urban Development to secure medical and financial records of private citizens. (Source ProPublica). All this with the Blessings of Trump and his enablers. 

This will not end well. 

Meanwhile back in the Vile House, # 47 continues his rampage of firing key military personnel, Inspector Generals and DOJ lawyers. Any potential threats to his Dictatorship are being 86ed out of the system. With this current administration the Constitution, the Rule of Law and checks and balances are so passé. 

But! There’s a feel good Polly Anna epilogue to all these layoffs and forced resignations. 

“What’s that? Jeffie!”

At least they walked out of their Gobment position alive. Stalin would have had them executed or exiled to a Siberian gulag. Maybe this is a Trump/Musk’s idea of George Dubya’s talk of a “compassionate conservatism.” 

Back to the title of this post. 

Anyone who watched the tag team assault by #47 and JD Quisling on Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy in the Oval Office witnessed the birth of the New World Order. Diplomacy, Decency and Democracy are now historical concepts. Ukraine has been tossed under a Russian T14-Armata tank. Merica is now aligned with Putin. A White Hypo-Christian Nationalistic worldwide bowel movement will be the next BIGLY thing. The outcome will be similar to the Nazi Regime of 1930’s to 1945. A low point in US/World History. 

Is anybody unhappy about this?

For further readings on my bragging rights for predicting this. Please take a gander.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

On July 11th, 2019 I vowed

To quit solo international travel. 

Well I guess I fibbed. After two back to back subpar attempted winter camping trips, (reasons: rain, clouds, wind and cold) I sought escape south of the border.

In that five year span, I lost a lot of my overseas travel Mojo. I remembered the stress of landing in a strange airport and thinking “where the hell am I?”  It was a feeling of general disorientation. With this in mind, I decided to do a “soft landing” by signing up on a Sierra Club outing. Destination: Costa Rica.

All the trip planning logistics, where to stay, how to get there and what to do would be taken care of by a well established tour company. All I had to do was sign up, drop a $200 deposit and I’d be in. 

Well, not so fast. 

Soon thereafter a slew of emails came in requesting all sorts of info. Medical history, reasons for my desire to go, travel experience a bit of a personality quiz as well. I shipped the hefty snail mail package to the group leader, (with an apology that I didn’t know how to submit them electronically.) 

Then I waited until I got an email from Angela the group leader. (Angela had to bow out later due to an injury. Her replacement was Pat.)

“When will you be available for a phone interview?”

On the scheduled time my phone rang. Angela and I made small talk feeling each other out. Her inquiries were geared towards what my expectations were, my fitness level and pointed questions to see if I play well with others. After about a half hour of interrogation, there was a pregnant pause. I finally broke the silence. 

“Well, how did I do? Am I in? 

She laughed at my straightforwardness and said, “Yes. You seem fine.” 


But was I fine? I rarely spend extended periods of time around people, let alone 14 strangers for 11 days. Did I still own the social skills to play well with others?

Fortunately I would get a day to practice. I’d be seeing old High School buddy Judy and her husband Rick plus her friend Marsha for a stroll and lunch in Florida. 

We all met at a wildlife wetland refuge amid the seemingly endless stretches of strip malls and subdivisions of south Florida. After a brief introductions with Marsha we set out on the 1.5 mile long boardwalk. The conversations ebbed and flowed as we spotted storks, ibises, herons, snapping turtles and egrets. Every now and then, I’d toss in a comment or statement. Nothing I said scored a glare or a roll-the-eyes moment. I took this as a good sign. 

After our pleasant amble, we drove three vehicles to our lunch venue. Judy hopped in my car so we could catch up on what’s going on as we get further away from those High School years. During lunch, they asked me about my upcoming trip. I voiced my trepidation about being around so many strangers at once.

“I worry I might have become socially inept” I paused my thoughts for a moment and shyly asked. “So how am I doing?”

They all laughed. Maybe I still had game!

Our new tour leader Pat sent out timely emails for our upcoming trip. The info was solid and worth reading. A primers guide to CR. 

I arrived a day before the official tour start. I literally blew through CR customs, grabbed my backpack and followed Pat’s advice to hail a taxi to the Hotel Autentico.. Bang! Zoom! Before I knew it the kindly driver dropped me off in front of the door. Wow! That was easy. 

After a fine meal and sampling three different CR made beers ((for future reference) I retired for the night. 

So far, so good. 

I spent the day loitering around a San Jose park and taking in a baseball game. (I was the token Gringo fan). At 5 pm it was time for the Sierra Club meeting. I smiled nervously while introducing myself to a few fellow clients. We all took a seat in a semi-circle making it feel like an AA gathering. Pat took center stage welcoming us to Costa Rica.. We then went around the room introducing ourselves to the group with a few comments. Mine were very brief.

“Hi all! I’m Jeff from Durango, CO although I’m hardly ever there.” 

That chore done. Pat introduced Pablo our local guide. He gave us a more in-depth rundown with photos and maps on what our future holds. I instantly liked the guy. Pablo possesses an easy going manner with a maturity beyond his years. (He was only 32). Importantly Pablo was well versed in the way of the Gringo. Clearly we were in capable hands.

After dinner, I grabbed a beer and  prepared myself for a 6:30 am breakfast. 

I went downstairs early. YES! Coffee was on. I spotted Pablo at a table sitting alone. I politely asked if it were OK for me to join him. His smile was all I needed to take a seat. Immediately I knew this young man was a straight shooter. After a while I made my confession.

“Pablo, I’m well aware this tour is about the birds and birders. I’m not a birder, although I love seeing birds. I’m even a member of the Audubon Society. After our tour, I’ll be hiking the Camino de Costa Rica. Would it be OK if you and Pat gave me a little more leeway to get more kilometers of hiking in? I’m a very experienced hiker and will be very careful.”

His reply was what I hoped for.

“Really? You are hiking our Camino? That’s wonderful. I would like to do that one day. Yes! We will make arrangements to allow you to go off on your own. Please be careful out there.”

I gave him an over-the-top Muchas Gracias. Like I said, I knew I’d like this guy.

We boarded a bus for a long ride to our first venue. A two night stay at a rain forest ecolodge. At the midway point we’d lunch followed by a coffee plantation tour. I got an idea on this tour’s activity level would be when we took our seats on a trailer decked out with seats. We were towed along by a tractor. We didn’t go very far before our first stop. A PR representative of the coffee coop conveyed all the steps a coffee bean takes between being plucked, sorted, roasted and bagged. Little did I know how much real sweat labor goes into our morning grind until later on the Camino de Costa Rica. (Next WW J blog).

It was close to Happy Hour when we disembarked off the bus. It took about 8 plus hours to cover about 150 miles. Welcome to Costa Rican roads and traffic. 

On the positive side, I got a chance to chat with my fellow travelers. They consisted of two lawyers, three engineers, one college professor, one doctor, one librarian, one biologist, two nurses, one physician’s assistant, one non-profit director of the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper foundation and me. A retired Jewish firefighter. I was in the company of a bus load of smarts. However I did detect a bit of social awkwardness in a few of the guests. Our politics leaned left except for one who kept his opinions to himself.

Upon arrival (finally) Pablo pointed out a trailhead. That’s all the direction I needed to take off for a quick lap around the ecolodge grounds. 

After dinner and a few more observations, I texted my family.

“Good news! I’m not (by far) the most socially inept person on this tour. There’s at least three others stranger than me!”

The next am I woke, drank hotel room provided coffee and took off for a quick jaunt on the local trails. I was on lap two entering a clearing when I saw a green blur fly by. Luckily the blur landed and stared down at me. I took this photo. I had captured an elusive resplendent quetzal without ruffling a green feather. 

I proudly displayed my trophy to the birders of the tour. A few doubted me and accused me of finding the photo on the internet. I looked at them with a “Really?” expression. One birder asked, “how did you get the shot?”

My reply, “the early bird gets the bird.”

After breakfast, we padded along behind Pablo to another ecolodge famous for its potential quetzal sightings, plus its extensive trail system. YAY! Pablo heard it through the bird vine there was a quetzal taking center stage nesrby. We gave chase as he shushed us not to make too much noise. It didn’t matter. Beneath the green beauty was a bevy of paparazzi birders. I retreated to the outfield taking in this crazy scene. I decided I wouldn’t trade my solo sighting for all the birdseed at a PetSmart.

Then off for the longest organized hike/stop and stare trek to a BFT. (Big Freaking Tree). In total the hike was about 5 miles long.

I was green lighted the OK to head back to our ecolodge unattended. After lunch I hefted my backpack for a second lap sans anyone on the trails. 

The days went on like this, stays at high end ecolodges wedged between eternity seeming bus rides (only longer) intermixed with stop and stare bird walks, one whale watch (with an extremely animated excitable guide) and a flat bottom river bird staring cruise. All punctuated by my Lone Wolf (as one fellow traveler nicknamed me) tendencies to take off on solo ventures and bail on certain organized events. 

During this no stress existence I got to know and enjoy the company of the other Gringos. Here’s a few of the more notable characters:

Doc Lee is a retired GP from Santa Fe and fellow member of the tribe. His adventure resume was outstanding. Hikes, climbs and journeys into countries that weren’t on Rick Steves list of places to go. His stories were epic in length and achievements. All told in a strong Chicago-land accent. I told him he ought to write a book, but one story alone would exceed 500 plus pages. He called me a “New York Sharpie with an abrasive personality”  Our bantering provided entertainment at Happy Hours and bus rides. 

Pat our Sierra Club no nonsense leader who kept us all on track and on time. Pat is a retired nurse from Tulsa. She had a bit of Mother Hen in her with constant warnings about aggressive roosters, getting lost in the dark and wearing the proper footwear. When she became a bit overbearing, a few guests called her Nurse Ratched of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” infamy. In reality Pat is a liberal minded, kind and caring human being. I enjoyed our early morning chats. 

Yes, our crew sported a dynamic duo too. Doug the French professor and Jo the librarian were well read and traveled seniors whose obvious affection towards each other was quite endearing. Doug spoke about their trips to France and love of the language. He was a true Francophile. Jo and I talked about our shared love of books. On the long bus rides, she was dialed into an audiobook. Smart move on her part. Jo is the one who nicknamed me the Lone Wolf. Of course, I howled when she said that.

Barbara was a notable guest too. She was by far the youngest paying member. She was employed as a lawyer for the White House. Somehow her position was bombproof regardless of what party was in power. When I queried her about her politics, she replied “Moderate.” 

My comeback was this. “What’s your favorite color? Plaid? These aren’t moderate times. Pick a side!”. Barbara laughed at this. She laughed at everything! She is a lively opinionated soul. (Like me.)

Then there was Sally. A Southern Belle who could trace her lineage to Founding Father, Patrick “Give me Liberty or Give me Death!” Henry. Her Scarlett O’Hara persona belies a stalwart of conservation and environmental issues. Sally was the founding executive director of Chattahoochee Riverkeeper. (1994-2014). With a starting grant of $50,000 from Ted (as in Turner) the non-profit blossomed into a $1.5 million/year advocate for keeping the Chattahoochee pollution free. In 1995, the Riverkeeper took the city of Atlanta to court for ignoring Federal clean water standards. For a change the Good Guys one!

I enjoyed listening to her as she name dropped meetings with Jane (as in Fonda) former Atlanta Mayors, former GA Governors and spending a night at the Woodruff Estate. (Coca Cola fame). All told in a breezy humble manner. During her career she was feted with many awards and honors for her conservation efforts. I’m convinced all the fish, fowl and other critters who call the Chattahoochee River their home appreciate her guardianship too. Sally now writes a monthly column on environmental issues facing Atlanta and beyond. 

From this bloggers perspective Sierra Club outings attract an extremely interesting and educated clientele. Happily (for me) conversations went well beyond the “nice day if it doesn’t rain” variety.  Even more happily (for me) I rediscovered I had the necessary social skills to get along with others. I still had game!

All in all this Sierra Club outing provided me with the “soft landing” I hoped for. I’m pretty sure my Mojo has now returned from my self induced hibernation. 

So what if I fibbed! I’m back!

Cheers to all your travel plans,

Last photo. Guess which Samsonite luggage piece is mine.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

“National Parks are the…

best idea we ever had. Absolutely American, absolutely democratic, they reflect us at our best rather than our worst". 

Quote by Wallace Stegner author and historian 

I’m an advocate for America’s National Parks, Monuments,  Recreation Areas and Historical Sites. When people ask me what my retirement goals are, I’ll answer.

“I’m a connoisseur of scenery. I visit beautiful places. I hike in them, take photos and camp in them. This is why I spend so much time on National Park Service properties. They make me happy.”

Through the years this blog has displayed many photos taken from “our best idea.” locations. When I visit other countries, I naturally gravitate towards their National Parks to see foreign scenery and to do some “comparison shopping.” Currently I’m in Costa Rica clicking off National Parks along my travels. To say I’m comparing Double IPAs to Bud Lights would be a gross understatement. There really is no comparison on the products. 

Here’s the whys: 

To get to Tenorio Volcanoe National Park it took me 1.5 hours to cover the 28 mile distance. Yes the roads were that bad! When Google Maps informed me I had arrived, there was little fanfare. A Tico (Costa Rican) frantically waved me into a parking lot. His official uniform was a neon safety vest and yellow flag. I parked as directed. “3000 colones Senior.” Was what he said. When I gave him back a “Que?” (What?). “Six dollars, Senior.” I forked over the cash and was handed a tiny slip of a paper permit to toss on my dashboard. I fussed with my backpack and gear as I glanced around looking for the park.entrance. Admittedly I kept getting distracted by all the T-shirt shops, restaurants and guide services kiosks. Ahh-hah! There it is. A nondescript sign announced “Entrada.” I moseyed over. A guard equipped with a Kevlar vest and a 9mm handgun stopped me. “Ticket?” I pointed to the kiosk behind him, showed him my credit card implying I’d buy one now. “No! Online only!” Well! I wasn’t going to argue with him or his 9mm. 

Now WTF! I looked around and noticed a sign, “WI-FI here! We’ll help you get a ticket!” With hesitant steps I wandered over and was met by a young dude with a more official looking shirt on. “May I help you? Luckily for me, his English was better than my Spanish. 

“Yes! I’d like to buy a ticket.” After that I basically trusted him with my iPhone and hoped that my life savings wouldn’t disappear.

I squashed my paranoia when he handed me back the phone and walked me through the in depth sign up process on the SINAC site. (National System of Conversation Areas). There were heaps of questions. Name, address, (both email and physical), country of origin, ID number (a false CO Driver’s License number worked as well), credit card info and dietary restrictions. OK, that last one wasn’t a question.

After ten minutes, I had a email delivered timed entry ticket to Tenorio NP. Cost $17. Then I asked the helpful official looking dude, “how many kilometers of trails are there?” 

He took a deep breath, drum roll…..”there’s one 6.5 kilometer trail.” (4 miles).

“One way or round trip?

“Round trip! But it goes to a beautiful waterfall. It’s one of the Costa Rican Natural Wonders!”

I went back to the intimidating security guy, who now had to look at the contents in my backpack.  “No sandwiches.” 

“What! I have to eat! There won’t be any crumbs!”

“OK. You can keep your sandwich.”

Then I showed the kiosk attendant my ticket with its 8 digit code. He punched the numbers into his laptop and waved me through. Then he mentioned. “The Park closes at 5 pm.” (Opening time was 8am. Just like factory work hours except with more hiking.)

Finally! My entry ordeal was completo! 

There wasn’t a visitor center. There was no map offered or received. There was no glossy brochure. The Men’s “necessary” room had one toilet with a missing seat. It was a bare boned operation.

I headed up a well worn trail while dodging the groups of guided guests. (I believe half the Costa Rican population are employed as guides.). Yes! The waterfalls were outstanding, so I did two laps on the out and back trail to get my colones worth!

Next day, I headed to Miravalles Volcano National Park utilizing Google Maps to find my way. That bastard led me to a dead end road. No trails, no banos and nobody. I looked at my Gaia app for trail information. It showed a trail off a main road crossing private property before entering the green blob of a Gaia deemed NP. 

I parked in front of a house where I was met by a friendly dog. I loitered around hoping the residents might notice this Jewish Gringo and grant me access. That didn’t happen. I figured explaining to the authorities that the dog seemed cool on the idea of me trespassing wouldn’t fly. 

From there I bolted to Rincon de la Vieja National Park. I arrived just before the park closed the waterfall trail I planned on hiking. A young volunteer walked me through the ticket purchase on his laptop. He averted his eyes while I submitted my credit card info. Entry fee $17 including free parking! 

Well, at least no bad ass Dude hoisting a 9 mm searched my backpack for contraband sandwiches. 

I hiked two waterfall trails there. One was hard, the next days hike even harder. Both routes were in need of some TLC and a few luxurious switchbacks. This was the entire trail network in Rincon. 

BTW. The above is not a put down of SINAC. The Costa Rican National Park system is in its infancy. SINAC was established in 1994. It’s a work in progress. Maybe if funds materialize more infrastructure and trails will be added. As Sid Sambur would say “God willing!” I’m sure our NPS had its share of growing pains too.

Now back to Merica’s best idea (founded in 1916). From Costa Rica I’m feeling both contempt and just plain being pissed off over President Musk’s slash and burn layoffs of NPS staff. For well over half a century, I’ve been in contact with hundreds, maybe thousands of NPS staff. This is what I know. These are selfless individuals. For many it’s a dream job. It’s not about the money. (I know President Musk and VP Trump that’s a difficult concept for you to grasp). It’s a calling. They believe in the idea behind the “433 units covering more than 80 million acres in all 50 states,  the District of Columbia and US Territories.” (Source NPS). 

Here’s a few of my memorable encounters with these noble Americans:

A) About 15 years ago, I scored a permit for two with an unusual itinerary for backpacking in the Grand Canyon. At the last minute, the other hiker bailed on me. I made the drive to the GCNP Backcountry Office with the intent of trading my permit for a more classic and easier route to follow. The bearded Ranger looked at my permit. He then stepped back, looked me up and down, side to side and said. “This is a great itinerary. You look like you’re fit and know what you’re doing. I’ll go over the map with you and mark the “watch outs!” along your way. I think you will love it.” 

I took his advice. He was right. I loved it.

B) I’m a history buff. About a baker’s dozen years ago I stopped at the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. I bicycled along the roads adjacent to the battlefield, making observations and reading the informative signage. At the Visitor Center I was fortunate to arrive just as a Ranger was about to give a talk. He was a lanky man with the aww shucks look and manner of Tommy Lee Jones. His description of the famous/infamous “Last Stand” pulled no bayonets. Custer was stuck in an old tried and true strategy unaware or ignoring that Sitting Bull and company had arrived with a new game plan. As the saying goes, the rest is history. This Ranger’s presentation was superior to any history professor I’ve ever listened to. It was so good, I wrote the NPS supervisor and commended him for hiring such quality people.

Other outstanding presentations: A campfire talk at Organ Pipe National Monument on bats. Complete with corny puns and all. “ Do you know how to hold a bat?” The Ranger then took a baseball batting stance as if she was about to swing at an imaginary pitch. 

A Grand Canyon Phantom Ranch presentation on the reintroduction of the California Condors. (Wingspan over 9 feet wide). The Ranger went so far as to imitate a male condor giving a female a come hither look. It was hilarious. 

All unforgettable stories and memories.

C) I secured a permit for entry into the Maze District of Canyonlands National Park. I was considering taking my Sanctuary One truck and camper onto this notoriously difficult and  remote 4X4 road. I called the District for advice. The information specialist asked me pointed questions about my Toyota Tundra including the weight of the pop up camper. I answered “with or without beer and water?” It didn’t take her long to answer. “Don’t bring it! You will get stuck! We hauled one out like yours a few weeks ago. The tow wasn’t cheap!”

Sound advice. We ended up bringing buddy Brad’s macho Toyota tricked out Tacoma that can crawl up walls like Spider-Man.

D) Years ago while staying in Snobsdale, AZ I headed off to Tonto National Monument for a day trip. It’s a small monument featuring some of the Ancient One’s building remnants. I signed up for a guided tour . A Ranger led us up a trail stopping along the way to pitch out facts and figures about what we know about the mysterious Ancient Ones. At the site, she pointed out things our untrained eyes wouldn’t have noticed. As the tour was winding down, I approached her and personally thanked her. (I do this often to NPS employees). I gave her my spiel about if I were calling the shots, the NPS would have a much bigger budget (NPS 3.57 billion 2025) than the US Customs and Border Protection (18.26 billion 2025). AND all NPS employees would get hefty pay raises in appreciation to the services they provide for all. (Even for people from other countries!) 

She looked at me and said, “Thank You! It’s not often we hear such positive comments as yours. There’s a saying among NPS employees. “We get paid in sunsets.”

I think they deserve more than a  possible “Green Flash” sunset.

So when I hear about NPS layoffs I’m more than angry. This is the equivalent of sucker punching a 109 year old much admired Federal Agency. Cheap Shot President Musk!

Walk into most NPS Visitor Centers, and more than likely you’ll be conversing with a senior citizen volunteer, or an enthusiastic member of the Student Conservation Association. (A worthy organization to donate to. ( ).

It’s quite apparent the NPS is already facing understaffing issues on top of a maintenance backlog of $23.26 billion. The largest deferred maintenance of any other Federal Land Management agency. (2023. Source Congressional Research Service).

This is a clear and present danger to people like me who love our Nation’s Best Idea!

So here’s the deal President Musk. I strongly suggest you lay off all the Federal layoffs. Go back to ingesting your daily dose of a Cybertruck’s worth of Ketamine tablets. (To fight your depression. Boo fucken Hoo.) Leave us Po’ Folks alone so that we may enjoy the beauty and wonders you cannot relate to or see. 

A former President said it so well.

“ Leave it as it is. You cannot improve upon it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it". ( Theodore Roosevelt Grand Canyon in 1903.)

Please write your Representatives in Congress or call them. Wake them up from their stupor!

Here’s to more sane times. Hopefully sooner than later.

Other NPS friendly Non profits for possible donations:

For a more in-depth look at what’s happening minus the ketamine jibes. The NY Times.

Lastly a few of my former musings related to our NPS.

As you can see. I do spend a lot of time in on NPS properties.