Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Clara’s Fountain.

Well over a decade ago, I was on my yearly  pilgrimage to see my father in Delray Beach, FL. Of course, I went in the wintertime. There I would enjoy the Sunshine’s State feel good warmth and get to listen to Sid (my Dad) perform his stream of conscience monologue. I’d chime in with an occasional “Uh-huh” or “Yep” and once in awhile, “That’s right.” 

Once he was between subject matters, so I interjected. “Do you have any photos of Mom? I have none.” He refocused and said, “Yes! I have box loads.” That energetic little man was now on a mission. He dove into his two walk in closets which were piled high with “stuff.” My father was no minimalist. Out came a few tattered cardboard boxes. “Here! Go through these and pick out the ones you want. I have plenty.” So like a good son, I did what he told me to do. 

Those boxes contained the Sambur family history in its visual form. I started choosing Mom containing photos. One particular black and white caught my full attention. It was a fuzzy photo of Mom sitting primly on the edge of a fountain. Her beguiling smile was still prevalent. I had a deja vu,  I’ve been to that fountain. I just couldn’t place its exact spot. 

I kept rifling through the photos. I extracted loads of them. When I was satiated, I looked up at Sid and asked, “Is it OK for me to take this many?” His reply was sage like. “Take! Take!! A boy needs pictures of his Mother.” 

For me, this was one of Sid’s most generous acts.

Fast forward to the early 2000’s. I was visiting NYC and my nephew Keith and his soon to be wife Courtney. We’d go out each night and take in the City’s famous bars and bistros. (I was able to stay up later in those days). In the morning my hosts would go off to work. I’d fortify myself with many Starbucks and head out for long walks up and down the avenues. My turnaround point was always Central Park. A place (besides Yankee Stadium) which meant so much to me while growing up in the Big Apple. 

As usual, I was wandering around the Park with no specific destination. Then, I found it. Clara’s Fountain! I let out a BIGLY smile that would make Mom proud of her youngest boychik. (Young man in Yiddish) I sat approximately in the same spot where Mom once perched. There I’d think about her and I’d miss her once again. That tiny woman made such an impact on me in the seventeen years she was involved in my life. She taught me (in a subtle way) the art of nurturing. She’s the reason I’ll offer you food and drink just by showing up at my home or camper. She made me a Jewish Mother in a man’s body! 

Now, no visit to NYC is complete without a pilgrimage to Clara’s Fountain. 

Thanks Mom for making me a better person. I only wish you were around a lot longer. You were the best. 

Cheers to all the great Moms in the World.

PS The fountain’s real name is Bethesda Fountain.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

She Left Me...

just when I needed her most!

I’ve  been reprimanded occasionally to “Get Lost!” Most of the time this cliche is said figuratively. (I think) Unfortunately there’s been times I’ve taken this expression quite literally,

In late August of 2019, I did get lost on Snow Mesa in southwest Colorado. Of course, I wrote about this mishap. 

In this blog, I took full responsibility for my screwup. I was careless and not paying attention. (Remember, I write the World’s most honest blog!). Later on, I reached out to readers for suggestions on trail and GPS apps for my I Phone. I stated that I’m a tech Neanderthal. The app needed to be simple like me. 

Many fellow hikers responded. I took the advice of a techie buddy who described the trail minder as “easy peasy.” I purchased the “G” app. No longer would I find myself being a true wandering, wondering-where-I-am Jew. 

I practiced using the app. An arrow shaped like a Star of David (only joking!) was me. I’d walk away from the dotted trail line and the arrow would move away. If I returned to the dotted line so did the arrow. Magic! All I have to do is make sure I stayed on the straight and arrow! 

Recently, I was hiking in the Maze. It’s the most remote district in Canyonlands National Park. It takes a millennium to get there on a terribly tough 4x4 route. If poop happens the Cavalry won’t be miraculously arriving in the nick of time. One would have to be patient if an emergency occurred. (Like getting lost)  

No bueno.  

I headed out on the Confluence Trail near the Dollhouse campsites. I followed the obvious trail and cairns. No biggie. I’d be out gazing at the Green River’s meeting with the Colorado in a flash of time. Towards the rivers, the trail got wonky. The cairns went this way and that. I walked toward the end of a rock outcrop and saw the Green River, but no meet up of western waters. I pulled out my I Phone and dialed in the “G” app. I was off the dotted line. Oh well, it’s was getting hot so I’ll headed back. After a quick lunch under the shade of a juniper, I checked my app once again. Spot on. I began walking. I noticed a tree stump with a colorful rock on top. I plowed on. About a half hour later, I had a deja vu. A twin of the post with the colorful rock on top was in my sight once again. I was walking in circles. Out came the app. Nothing! I became invisible. I was stealth without wanting to be. 

I took a deep breath. OK. Don’t panic. Remember you’ve crawled into burning buildings. You kept your cool in those stressful times. The  feeling of calm lasted about 30 seconds. I looked at the app again. No arrow. 

“NOOOO! This wasn’t supposed to happen! This is not funny. I paid for your services! This is no way to treat a customer. You left me in my time of need!” All the above happened while I was pounding the sand with my fists. 

I relaxed and eventually shut off the I Phone in an effort to reboot the app. (In reality I felt like booting the phone.) Nothing. No arrow. My battery power was at about 52%. 

OK. I’m still on a trail. It goes somewhere. Look around. The Dollhouse is distinct. Head that way.  So that’s what I did. In time I saw a familiar dead branch propped up along a climb for handholds. I saw an old cigar shaped coyote turd. I was going in the right direction. Still I hustled along, just in case. It was only when I saw a rectangular arch that I knew for sure I was on the right track. I checked my app. The arrow was back. Too little too late! A 9 mile hike turned out to be 12.5 miles.

My point is this. Don’t count on technology. One still needs to pay attention to where the trail turns and your surroundings. It’s not a good idea to just shut the brain down while using a navigational tool to get you in and out of places. Glitches happen! 

I’ve learned my lesson...again.

Last photo: A collared lizard was willing to share its meal with me while I was pummeling the sand. I said “No Thank You. I still have a few Clif Bars left and a liter of water.” 

Stay safe!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Post Pandemic Dreams.

Post Pandemic Dreams...

The readers speak! You may recall I reached out for input on what’s on your post pandemic bucket list. 

The post received over 200 hits, but I guess many of you are the strong silent type and camera shy too.

Here’s the results. I interspersed the quotes with pretty photos from Canyonlands National Park. (Returning to our National Parks was BIGLY on my post pandemic bucket list.) 

I want to do this, sans mask. His name is Lewis and he was born Febr. 6, 2021.

I want to sit at a table, at any bar with a patio, with you and talk.
I want to go to Florence, to see my friends, who live there.
A road trip to WA to see other friends would be the best.
But most of all I want to see people's smiles and get a few hugs.

Hi Jeff! Great blog posting today. I also got my second Moderna shot on March 30th and am thus looking eagerly to April 13. I felt crappy the next morning and needed to sleep. Got up again at 1:00 p.m. and gradually felt better and better. Since one of my big passions is hiking and backpacking and I often do that solo, that has not been impacted much by COVID. That said, I do look forward to feeling more carefree on the trail and at campgrounds when interacting with others. 

Looking forward to a motorcycle ride to eat some steamed Cheasapeak Bay Blue Crabs...

Hugs, baseball games and concerts. Traveling in and out of the country!

we are back in green Iowa with smiles abundant in supply.  it is so nice to gather in small groups and enjoy a beer or 3. This thursday i will be be able to do my volunteer work at the information center.  real people.  but, i will still wear a mask.

As usual, entertaining and informative. My main post-Covid plan is to see family again. I have a plan in the works to visit family on the west coast including my son. It may take awhile longer to visit my daughter and grandson in Thailand.

In the meantime here’s to sharing more IPA moments.

Here is what I am looking forward to doing once things get back to normal, in no particular order:
  1. Dance at the Caribou Room
  2. Ride a bus, train & plane
  3. Hug my grown children
  4. Hiking vacation in Norway
  5. In person book group meetings
  6. Dinner parties
  7. Going out in public without a mask, seeing people's smiles and chatting without a mask
  8. In person government meetings
  9. Yoga at the studio
  10. Eating indoors at a restaurant

Seeing the world again. Volunteering in a foreign land. Seeing my friends in the usa and welcoming visitors to NZ 

Looking forward to vacations, concerts, and socializing downtown on main street.

To say I am forever grateful for the dedication of our safety by our incredibly wonderful and brilliant scientists is such an understatement. For me, I long to see (in person) family, friends, full faces, smiles, dinner and party gatherings, blue water, white sand, happy hours, the inside of restaurants and airplanes, frequent empty gas tank levels, more smiles, concerts, festivals, Broncos, Rockies, Rangers and Longhorn games, the brilliant color of people's clothing in crowded stadiums and even more and more smiles!!! "These are a few of my favorite things..." Bring them all on! I am ready!!! 

I will do the Inca Trail in Peru. We booked the trip for 2020 and hope that we can do it in 2022.

Cheers Jeff