Monday, February 3, 2020

Adolf Hitler was the most...

influential man in my life.

Now before you go “goose stepping” to conclusions, allow me to explain. 

If not for the World’s undisputed champion of death, destruction and evil there wouldn’t  have been a Holocaust. There wouldn’t have been a reason for Szyja Sambor from Byzaziny, Poland to get on a slow boat from Europe to immigrate to America. The same can be said for my Mother Clara Zinn of Vienna, Austria. My parents left their family and friends behind for one and only one reason. Leave or be murdered in a precision German engineered manner. 

Without their Great Escape to the Bronx, Sid wouldn’t have had the chance to ask Clara out on a blind date.  Post WW II, this short cute couple married. In the span of six years  Allan, Micheal and Jeffrey were born. (We were all named after family members killed in the Holocaust.) 

All these events due to an angry white demagogue rising to power while overcoming Germany’s system of Constitutional checks and balances. Without Deh Fufrer, there wouldn’t have been a Holocaust and hence no little Sambur’s

So...Hitler was influential to me, but not in a good way. 

On April 30th, 1945 the German Dictator performed his one and only good deed. He swallowed a cyanide tablet and then inhaled a bullet. The spell he cast over his people was broken. The war in Europe ended eight days later. When his supporters were pressed for an answer to the ultimate “What the F—k were you thinking?” Their response was lame and inexcusable. “We were just following orders.” 

When the final tally of WW II was taken 70-85 million humans perished as a result of one madman. 

I grew up with the awareness that anti-semitism existed throughout the World. On numerous occasions I experienced it first hand in the US. Sure it upset me. But I shrugged it off in the belief these folks were in the minority instead of the rule. I went about my business of being a tax paying, law abiding American. 

In 2015, I began to notice a sea change in American politics. A bloated blowhard billionaire was drawing big crowds at his rallies. Like the man himself, his theme was simple. “Make America Great Again.” But the real message was “Make America White Again.” With campaign promises of building the Great Wall of Racism, limiting the number of Muslim immigrants and speaking in terms of “those people.” The Donald was placing most of his chips on the Angry White Folks card. The fringe groups of America had found a savior. 

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -Lyndon B. Johnson

For the second time in 16 years, a candidate became President despite losing the popular vote. So much for American Democracy.

All this rhetoric scared me and kept me awake at night. Bigotry and racism isn’t  like placing a menu order. ”I’m OK with the Jews, but hold the Mexicans.” It’s a general, I’m not fond of those who don’t speak like me, pray like me, have sex like me  or look like me. It’s the opposite of all inclusive.

Since that pivotal moment in US History, there’s been an increase in the number of hate crimes

At the same time, we’ve seen a decrease in the Constitution’s checks and balances. The Senate’s recent vote of “We don’t need no stinkin’ witnesses in an impeachment trial” has essentially handed more power to the Executive Branch. The US is tottering on becoming an autocracy ruled by a finger pointing demagogue with little understanding of the Constitution or the Rule of Law.

If you aren’t noticing similarities between Germany in the 30’s and the present, you aren’t paying attention.

On August 3, 2019, twenty-two Mexican Nationals and Mexican Americans were murdered at a Walmart in El Paso, TX. 

On October 27, 2018 eleven Jews were murdered at the Tree of Life Temple in Pittsburgh, PA. 

On August 11-12 Made in the USA Nazis bearing torches and Swastica flags paraded through the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia chanting “Jews can’t replace us!” (Why would we? Who would want to replace assholes? )

If Sid and Clara were around to see this they would cry, “Jeffy! It’s happening again!”

My fellow Mericans please don’t allow this to happen again.

Final Photo: In case you need a visual aid. All of these people except my father (standing in the middle) were murdered in the Holocaust. 


  1. you have lived and then put into words the fear all of us have.. well some us-the others dont have brains

  2. You are right to write and picture a reminder ... literally, in black and white. Thank you for using words to bring light and right to so much that is dark and wrong just now.

  3. Hopefully we can throw the bum out in November. The American people won't be apathetic this time. WE need to turn things around so it isn't "happening again".

  4. Thanks for sharing your story.

    We need to vote. We need to encourage others to vote. We need him out of office to make change.

    That won’t be the end though. White supremacy is raising it’s hand in pride.
