Tuesday, October 18, 2016

My Big Fat Greek...


"You can observe a lot by just watching."
Yogi Berra

My trip to the Hellenic Republic was like no other. I arrived with a minimum amount of preparation and very few expectations. It was sort of like traveling in a jam session. I wasn't sure how or where this overseas session would end.

I'm happy to report, it all worked out.

During my time on the island of Naxos, the Big Mac-sized island of Crete and the capital city of Athens, I took mental notes and often Googled to learn more about the people of Greece.

Here's some facts and personal observations:

There's 10.9 million Greeks. In 2015, those nice Greeks entertained an amazing 26.5 million visitors. (I began to refer to Greece as the Mexico of the Mediterranean). Tourism contributes 18% to this economically hurting nation's Gross Domestic Product. Yet, unemployment is the highest in the Eurozone at 23%.

Greeks also score the highest in smoking rates in Europe and the rest of the world. Over 40% inhale cancer sticks. Ashtrays are as prevalent as Sagebrush in the Western US. The Greeks flick ash at the concept of non-smoking areas. 

For a people who introduced the World to two major athletic events (the Marathon and the Olympics), they now abhor exercise. I rarely met locals on my many trail meanderings. My Greek Guide Anastasia summed it up this way, "Greeks will only walk if there's a coffee house as the destination." They pace themselves well.

Greeks don't move too fast, except when they get behind the wheel of their tiny sedans. Then these laid back, Raki drinking, olive eating people become the reincarnation of Dale (the Intimidator) Earnhardt. Competitive tailgating seems to be a major sport. Yes, the Greeks lead the Eurozone in accident rates too. In 2015, 1600 citizens lost their lives playing the ultimate game of "Chicken." 

But Hey! Nobody's Perfect! I found the Greeks to be friendly, generous and helpful, even though their language was Greek to me! Many speak a passable form of English. They have to. The Greek language and alphabet probably isn't taught in many other countries. 

Would I go back to this country of blue skies, white-washed painted villages, warm temperatures and sandy beaches? Heck yes! Although it would be better to arrive as a couple instead of a solo traveler. Towards the end of my trip, I got tired of eating my Greek Salads alone. Greece is a couples destination similar to Hawaii. Singles are as rare as a jogging Greek.

I just wish the locals could do something about all those elderly, overweight, naked German invaders. It's very unsightly. 

I'm back in Colorado, (land of good beer, coffee and great friends and family members)

In case you missed my other Greek posts:

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Day in Athens...

Of course I visited the Parthenon! 

Every human regardless of race, creed, religion or color goes there while in the Hellenic Republic. 

It's an old amazing place. This civic works project began in 447 BC in tribute to the Goddess Athena. When I saw the relics, I realized those workers weren't paid on a Union scale. It took a lot of effort to move those marble Doric columns. 

The Parthenon has a complicated history (like Greece). There were the ancient Greeks,  of course. Then came the Persians, Venetians, Romans, Franks, Visigoths, folks from the Ottoman Empire and a few impact players from the United Kingdom. And not necessarily in that order. Yes, there was heaps of plundering and destruction. (It's always a bad day when those Visigoths turn up unannounced.) 

Now the invasion force arrives from all over Planet Earth. Regardless of the human's origins, everyone shells out €20 for the privilege to invade the site. There weren't many complaints. 

Here's heaps of photos. Including a tourist posing in front of the Ancient Temple of Selfie Sticks. AKA the Temple of Narcissism. 

In the last two pix is a comparison of my trail companions within a 48 hour span. 
Yes, the number of two legged animals have been sort of overwhelming. 

"Back to the US! Back to the US!" Manana.
A paraphrase from the Beatles,

It's been fun!

Monday, October 10, 2016

I got parboiled on Crete...

while hiking a teenie weenie bit of the ultra-long distance E4 trail. For those unfamiliar with the E4 (like me before I arrived on Crete), it's a 10,000 plus kilometers jaunt from Portugal through lots of other European countries culminating on the Greek Island of Cypress. In other words, it's longer than America's Pacific Crest Trail and Continental Divide Trail combined! 

I think you would need more than one pair of trail runners to complete it.

I asked a few locals their opinion on attempting to hike 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) in one day. They then looked at me in a funnier way than usual. 

One helpful man said, "That's a two day hike! It's hot and there's little drinking water along the way. The trail is rocky too." 
This man was correct on all counts.

Here's the trail description from Wikipedia: 

"A walk can take longer than anticipated because of poor way marking, or because paths are blocked, or dangerously eroded. Walkers should therefore be prepared for long diversions, and never presume that you will reach the intended destination, including the final one, on time, or on a specific day."

In an olive nutshell, the trail stinks on ice! Although today, a chunk of frozen water would have been received as a gift from the Greek Gods. 

Plus! There were heaps of naked elderly German couples along the E4's beaches and coves. I strode past one group in the morning. They were still sunning their sexual organs four hours later! They hadn't moved or even twitched. How much vitamin D does a body need?  

It was so hot, I decided to take a dip in the Libyan Sea. I went in naked as the morning Clara Sambur gave birth to me. I found a pocket of isolation to partake in my birthday suit ablution. The water sizzled as I submerged myself. Let me tell you, I was HOT! 

Look at the photos: the scenery is reminiscent of a seaside Death Valley National Park. Pretty stark. 

I'm working on chugging the second gallon of water for the day. It's Happy Hour so I'm mixing the H2O with a dark lager. 

Hydration is the key to health and survival.

From Hora Station,

From the last photo: check out the trail's designers.