Sunday, November 1, 2015

After Working too Many...

Halloweens, I can't say it's a number one Holiday on my personal hit parade. 
For emergency service employees, it was no party. 
We were usually up all night separating warring Witches and Warlocks, dealing with costumed drunks and seeing the results of mixing drinking with driving.

I might have scored a few hours of rest eventually, but woke feeling hungover even though an IPA never touched my lips. 

That all being said, the Sambur's know how to throw a fiesta. Here's some photos of the action.

The last photo is me in my "the guy who lives in a van down by the river" costume. The "Free Candy" sign is my nephews sick Sambur sense of humor at work. 

With the longer shadows and shorter days, Barley will soon be pointing south.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

With a Dwindling IPA Supply...

and time constraints, Jenny and I retreated from Beyond the Zion Curtain to brew and marijuana friendlier Colorado. Despite less than stellar weather, we stayed in motion. We visited lots of stands of Red Rocks. 

We had the moist fortune of glimpsing a rare tap pole shrimp. They occupy a small niche in the big order of things. Their whole life cycle revolves around the periodic pools of pot holes. 
Birth, childhood, sexual maturity, Happy Hour, parenthood and death all within the wet and dry cycle in a sandstone depression. They made great protein supplements for our dinners too. Use a really tiny lure to hook them if you want to be successful. They are most excellent when served up Cajun style. 

From The Hot Springs Lodge of Glenwood Springs,
(Barley the Van took the night off),

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Hiking between the...

wet spots. 

Somehow Jenny and I lucked out for a few hours when there was nothing liquid falling from the sky. We opened this window of opportunity to tiptoe through the puddles to see these ohh-ahh views. 

A high pressure (sort of) system is pushing the moist stuff out. Yay! 

Back to the Needles District in Canyonlands National Park manana. 

Compared to being in Moab, it really will be "west and wewazation at wast!" 

From the wilds of Canyonlands RV Park, deep in the heart of downtown Moab,