Monday, October 31, 2022

It’s Rut Season.

It’s Rut Season.

No! No! No! I’m not blogging about bugling bull elk. Nor am I referring to  Rocky Mountain or Desert Ram’s horn smashing battles to ascertain who wins the affections of the neighborhood ewes. (Because as we all know, there will never be another ewe.) 

I’m speaking personally. I’ve fallen into a rut. An unexciting routine. I’m now officially a restless Home Body. 

Camping season is over. Sniff. Sniff. Sanctuary Too is hopefully winterized and ready to handle the onslaught of below freezing temperatures. Brrr. 

Me? I’m methodically transitioning to temperature reductions and early dark-thirty hour. No more camping means staying in place in Durango. It means going from an outdoor lifestyle of crowd avoidance to a mostly indoor lifestyle of attempting  to mingle with my fellow locals. 

A definite sea change for a guy who gets sea sick.

To be honest,  socially I’ve been on reduced rations. It’s not like I’m not trying! Just not succeeding. Much.

Since January 2022, I’ve slept in Sanctuary Too more often than at Basecamp Durango. The reason is simple. When I go camping, I’m making things happen. I’m engaged in the planning, preparation, anticipation and finally the early dawn departures. My campsites generally have big views, the sounds of silence and plenty of solitude. When I’m reading at Happy Hour (with an IPA cradled in my left arm), I’m practically purring. Now that’s  happiness and contentment. 

Out there, I’m not noticing all the couples, cliques and the too many folks who have substituted canine companionship for Homo Sapiens.

I’m performing a classic example of out of sight out of mind. 

During my time in Durango, I’m waiting for things to happen. Whether it’s a volunteer gig, a community event or a rare social engagement I’m impatiently in Stand By mode for the date to arrive. In between those appointments theirs just-me Happy Hours, solo hikes and too many hours spent alone between these four walls of my home. 

Don’t get me wrong! I’ve been to many fun local events and gatherings. Yet I still come away with a sense of being socially unsatiated. All that being said, I’ll continue to plug away in my efforts to become more involved in my newish community. 

See? I’m trying!

Bottom line: When I’m camping, I’m feeling quite alive. Here in Durango, so far I’m going through the motions. That’s a big difference. 

Do what makes you happy. Just so you don’t hurt anybody. 


Final Photo: A rare social engagement. Another Happy Hour schmoozing with Colorado Senator Michael Bennett. He’s got my vote. 


  1. Face it, your hikes are just an excuse to take great photos. It's evident you have great "eyes" to create the visual serenity of the areas you roam. Just one question: Who is the ugly, short mensch who creeps into the picture now and then?? PS: We have met in the city campground in Telluride.

    1. I’m not ugly! Personally I think I’m adorable. What year did I meet you? Were you the couple in the Van near the Mighty San Miguel River?

    2. Yes, we were. Made it to Durango this summer; all the IPA was gone and so was Jeffy.

  2. November is a tough month so go rut on like an elk and I enjoy your blog and now it is Food season and not my favorite either but keep reading volunteering and whatever you can do to keep smiling 😊
