Back in the day when I was a firefighter, my life at times could be stressful.
A rough work shift might include:
Responding to a horrific accident where you really don’t want to see what happens when two speeding vehicles try to occupy the same space at the same time.
The occasional house fire where one of the occupants doesn’t make it out in time.
The wrestling match with a belligerent drunk.
The all-nighters where all the so-called emergency calls don’t add up to one emergency.
So... after leaving the fire station I required a Happy Home.
My 1902 Old Town Fort Collins abode was the relief valve from the working mode craziness. I kept my house obsessively clean and clutter free. I had family photos, posters and artwork which soothed me when I gazed upon them. There was an abundance of natural light. I lowered my blood pressure by puttering around in my flower and vegetable garden. Overall, the noise level was turned down low.
It was my sanctuary from a chaotic world.
Now we are all faced with an unseen enemy. The apparent solutions to the Covid-19 health crisis are closures and cancellations. We are being told to “social distance” ourselves from each other.
Ionically, social distancing comes naturally to me. One might say, I’ve been social distancing before it was cool. In any crowd setting, you’ll find me in the least occupied spots or on the periphery of the action. I’ve been known to turn a quick 180 degree in order to escape the masses. Being surrounded by people is not my position of comfort.
Here in Durango, I’ve discovered many social settings that lie within my comfort range. IE: volunteering at the Library or Durango’s Green Drinks. (A Happy Hour featuring people with a conservation minded passion.) Both have ceased operations for the time being. so many others I became proactive. I stocked up on food and non-perishable items. I purchased cases of IPAs. I checked out five books prior to the Library’s closure. My TV still works minus the March Madness Basketball. (That really hurts.) There will be heaps of hunkering down time.
This is why I’m heading back to sanctuary mode. I obsessively cleaned my townhouse. I organized what few items of clutter I had. The noise level is now set at a windless night in Death Valley National Park low.
So far, so good. Now I breathe a sigh of contentment when I close my front door to the possibility of pandemic. I’m alone with my books, I Pad, IPAs and weeks worth of comfort food. I’ve done a lot of wondering too.
When I heard President “Stable Genius” (he’s neither) pronounce the tiny troublemaker to be a “Foreign Virus,” I had to Fact Check this. Wadya know it. He finally told the truth. If you look at the Covid 19 virus under an electron microscope, you’ll notice itty bitty flags intertwined within the strands of malicious DNA. Not one would be “Old Glory.” Once again illegal immigrants are creating havoc within our Nation.
So...I have a proposal to assure America will never be caught with our Orange Comb Over down again. Let’s build a virus proof Wall! We will hire the best people to construct it. It will be beautiful. Best of all, we will make the virus pay for it!
Finally enjoy this “Daily Show” You Tube.
On a more serious note.
Stay safe, sane and most of all healthy.
If you need advice on social distancing, feel free to reach out to me. I’m a subject matter expert. Plus I now have plenty of time to answer.
Lastly a dating line of 2020.
Stay healthy and looking like you will find peace staying social insulated Jeff 👀🦠
ReplyDeleteWe are sad not to have ski areas but we can still go uphill to keep sane. Peace
Stay healthy Jeff and may you see a Democrat president in November!