Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Being Homeless by Choice..

then it looks.

In March 2018, I found myself in Death Valley National Park. The weather was anything but cooperative. I was stumbling through the days trying to stay warm, dry and motivated. The 66 square feet of Barley the Van’s living space was seemingly shrinking. I was weary of being stigmatized as the Single White Guy living in a White Van.  I felt isolated and very lonely. My nemesis depression was taking over the driver’s seat. A definite No Bueno moment. That was my epiphany.  Something had to change. 

It was then I knew it was time to come in out of the cold, settle down and rejoin society. I needed a place to call home and hearing aids too. I figured if I was going to be around people, I might as well hear what they were saying. 

Fortunately, I chose well. Both the town and the hearing aids that is. Durango has been a surprise in a good way. First off, I live in the prettiest part of Colorado. We have real mountains nearby and desert too. The Mighty Animas River runs through town with a bike trail adjacent to it. There’s 29 miles of hiking trails a long javelin fling from my home. Wayward deer wander the streets. It’s BIGLY outdoorsy. 

However, I desired more than a place to gawk at and hike in.. After running solo for most of those 6.5 Homeless by Choice years, I wanted to be a part of a community. I sought a place where I could voice my strong opinions without the need to duck a punch. The little city of Durango is an island of Blue in a Sea of Red. It’s pretty liberal and conservation minded. The citizens have a profound love of Public Lands. 

I had found my people! 

Me being me, I jumped in with both flip-flopped feet. I joined organizations and began volunteering. I attended classes, festivals and concerts.  I was making acquaintances and recognizing faces. A few bartenders had an IPA poured when they saw me saunter in. Fortunately, I hadn’t lost all of my social skills in those living in a Van down by the River years. I felt confident about finding a niche and fitting in. 

Then along came Covid, in which the virologists strongly recommended that we minimize exposure to others, keep our distances and lock ourselves down. In essence those well meaning Doctors were telling me to return to the lifestyle, I was Jonesing to escape from. This sucked. 

It’s been nearly a year since Colorado locked down on March 16th, 2020. In that circle around the sun, I’ve experienced loneliness, isolation and yes, at times depression. Then again, I’m sure I had plenty of company. Of course they were socially distanced though. 

A few days ago, I received my first shot of Moderna. I felt relief knowing I stand a better chance of not contracting or transmitting the virus. I’m a Team Player who wants this scourge to end. I’m angered by the anti-Vaxxers who refuse to get inoculated, especially the ones who espouse “my rights and liberties.” Well, I have news for you. This virus doesn’t give a hummingbird’s poop about your rights and liberties. It’s an equal opportunity pathogen. Isn’t one year of not socializing enough? Does anyone really want a repeat performance of this pandemic?

Personally I’m ready to one day give and receive hugs again without fear or a mask. Together we can make this happen. Please don’t  be an anti-vaxxhole.

Last photo: In preparation for my future reentry to society, I practiced speaking to John, Sue and Bernie on my recent trip to Death Valley National Park. I had my hearing aids in too. 

Cheers from Solitary Confinement,


  1. Bernie sure does get around! I get my second Moderna shot on March 30th. Eager! What brand of hearing aids do you have? I have Starkey. I've hardly worn them during the last year because I mostly needed them for work meetings and social gatherings and you know where that went.

  2. Bernie needs a new outfit for the desert in spring!
