Monday, March 15, 2021

I won’t say Happy

 Covid Anniversary.

It was on March 16th, 2020 when Colorado Governor Polis ordered the state to go into lockdown mode over Covid concerns. Of course I blogged about it. 

I began to think about Covid one month prior to that infamous date. In my quest for truthful information, I phoned the most brilliant virologist I know. (Dr. Sal is the only virologist I know!) However Dr Sal would be brilliant in whatever field he chose to study. He’s that smart.

Here’s a bit of background to this eminent scientist:

Sal received a degree in veterinary medicine from Ohio State University. He wasn’t done yet. Sal continued his education at Colorado State University where he completed a PhD in veterinary pathology. (I always wondered why he touched my nose to see if it was wet.) He caught the attention of the CDC in Atlanta which hired him to research and study HIV. He’s met and schmoozed with Doctor Fauci. (Dr. Sal referred to him as “the Pope.”) Scripps Research Institute  lured him away from the Government to help develop a vaccine to fight HIV. He now lives in San Diego with his wife Deborah. 

I met Sal on the Denver Post’s Ride the Rockies. We spent a lot of time together on our bicycles  and in the bars. He’s a class act in oh-so-many ways. I’m proud to know him.

After a bit of small talk, I got down to business. “Sal, how bad is this virus going to be?” 

Dr. Sal always speaks in a clipped, precise and straightforward manner. There’s little drama or embellishments. “Jeff, this will impact everyone. Covid will be a game changer.” 

Hmm? I misinterpreted this to mean. “I guess I’ll be washing my hands more. I better buy some sanitizer too. I’ll avoid touching my face.” I wasn’t picking up the nuances of what Sal meant.

Much later on after a month of solitary confinement lockdown, I phoned Dr. Sal again. 

“Sal! Is this what you meant when you said Covid would impact everyone? The lockdowns, the closures, cancellations, the medical misery of those afflicted and lack of toilet paper?”

“Yes Sambini. This is what I meant.”

“This sucks!”

“Indeed. It does.”

To say it’s been a difficult year would be a severe understatement. Our lives have been disrupted and shaken. My I Phone mocked me each morning by reminding me, “No Events Today.” Ouch! 

BUT! I’m seeing the dim light at the end of the tunnel grow brighter. In fourteen days and a handful of hours, (but who’s counting?) I’ll be receiving my second Moderna vaccine. In April I scored fifteen days worth of campsites in nearby National Parks. (Remember, the Parks were shuttered last spring). I also picked up a few volunteer gigs selling books for the Durango Friends of the Library. In May, I’ll be backpacking in the Grand Canyon once again. Later on, a visit to the photogenic Great Sand Dunes National Park. Then a visit to the Front Range complete with a “live” Rockies baseball game! Play Ball! 

WOW! My wall calendar has actual scribbles on it. Who knows maybe there will be brew festivals and outdoor concerts this summer too? Yes, you can say I’m making up for a lost year of activity and socializing. 

Recently, I called the esteemed Dr. Sal. He gently reminded me, we aren’t out of the Covid cave yet. More Americans will need to be vaccinated to achieve Herd Immunity. We’re not quite done with social distancing or masking up yet. But he too believed we are turning a corner.

Let’s make this happen. I miss hugs and Happy Hours.

Once again, stay safe, sane and healthy,

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures, Jeff! Where is the Badlands one? Dinosaur? Badlands? We're thinking of taking the auto tour in USDA Forest Service Picket Wire Canyonlands - site of the largest known U.S. dinosaur trackway.
