Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Caught up in the VOG of...


On yesterday's Haleakala hike, I felt out of sorts. I was lacking my usual vim and vigor even after my multi-gallon caffeine fix. Sore throat, itchy eyes and other "Oh! Crap! I'm catching a freaking cold" like symptoms. 

At the midway point of my ramble, I took a lunch break and chatted up with a couple of locals. I made mention of my maladies in conversation.
Here's what one said.

"Dude! You got VOG."

"What? I stay away from dirty toilet seats and sick people. What is it anyway?"

"You get it from breathing bad air after a volcanic eruption. The Big Island has been active and it drifts over here eventually." 

So when I returned to Wifi Land I Googled it.
Straight from Wikipedia. (This is why I donate to them).

 Vog contains chemicals that can damage the environment, and the health of plants, humans and other animals. Most of the aerosols are acidic and of a size where they can remain in the lungs to damage the lungs and impair function. Headaches, watery eyes, sore throat, breathing difficulties (including inducing asthma attacks), flu-like symptoms, and general lethargy are commonly reported. 

So...This is what I say. Please Pele the Goddess of Fire, take a break. I need a dose of clean air.

Here's to a VOG free day for all,

Monday, January 19, 2015

"One of These days Jeffie...

Bang! Zoom! Straight to the Moon."

My apologies to Ralph Kramden (from the classic TV show "The Honeymooners") for stealing his line.

I turned inland today or as the locals call it, "Up Country" to Haleakala National Park. The NPS claims it's a dormant volcano (last kaboom 1480-1600) but who's to say when Pele the Goddess of Fire throws her next tantrum. 

The crater is BIG: seven miles across by two miles wide and half-mile deep. Today, it was sunny with little wind. While I tramped along the bottom zone. It felt like being on the business side of a cast iron skillet. With a little olive oil anointing,  I would have been sizzling like chicken fajitas. 
Unless you have my "40 Years in the Desert" skin genes, bring vats of sunscreen. Thank You! Moses for granting me my dark skin pigment. 

It was way cool, despite being way toasty. 
It kept me out of the shopping malls too.

Shop Happy

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Like! there's totally so...

much shopping here in Maui. I'm beginning to think the Valley Island nickname came from those lovable and materialistic California Valley Girls.

Eventually I extricated myself out of the Lahaina Mall to do a little sight-seeing.
After all (for me) a day without clothes shopping is like a day without sunshine. 

I passed the glitzy beach resorts and found Waiawhile Blowhole. Well, Wait-A-While is really not its name, but this is no Old Faithful geyser when it comes to reliability.

Luckily, I was able to fit this event into my BUSY schedule. 

It's time for a brew and then back to the Mall. I heard Tommy Hilfiger is like having a sale. Bitchin'!

Happy Shopping!