Sunday, February 1, 2015

Where Captain James Cook...

Met his Sailmaker. 

All was quiet, scenic and serene at Kealakekua Bay today. There was one history buff (me), snorkelers and three Humpback whales. It's a lovely place.

It wasn't  so peaceful for Captain Cook on February 14, 1779. This cove was the site of his brutal murder. In fact, the perpetrator is known. It was Prince Kalaimanokahoʻowaha (wouldn't Prince Kal be easier to say?) who struck the first blow swinging a mighty club. His accomplishes finished the great explorer, navigator and cartographer off. 
Those Hawaiians sure have funny gift giving ideas on Valentine's Day!

I'm think Cook would have preferred chocolates or flowers.

So what caused this fatal skirmish? 
Stuff! The Natives took a small boat from the Brits and by golly, they wanted it back.

I'm a guy who jettisoned 98% of his stuff. I never miss my former belongings, although having a printer would be handy at times. So take it from me, it's just stuff. Don't get hurt over it.

Good night on Super Bowl Sunday.

PS. Those are yellow fishes in the saltwater picture. Can't you tell?

My quaint pad in...

Kona on the Big Island.

It was a pip squeak plane that took me and a few passengers on a puddle jump of a flight. I'm not sure if I would call the Pacific Ocean a puddle though. The flight crew seated us according to our weight. For those who keep score, I was in seat number one. 

Here's a photo of Mauna Kea with White Death coating the top of it.
I might be there in a few days. There's a lot of lava on this island. It's the Big Baby in the Hawaiian chain of islands. This geologic infant is still growing.

So far, Kona gets two thumbs up. There's more blue collar bars than skin care emporiums here. I like that. Kona coffee is waking me up now. I like that too.

Short hike this morning before the 1 pm Super Bowl start based upon Hawaiian Island Time.

Have a great Super Bowl Sunday,
Drink responsibly and Go Seattle!

Friday, January 30, 2015

No Maui Wowie for me...

Tomorrow I'll leave the Valley Island for a short flight to the Big Island. I like the sound of that-BIG!

For me, I can't say I felt the Aloha for this island.

Maybe it's the VOG induced coughing fits I've experienced since landing here. 

Maybe because, I'm a land based mammal and Maui is geared more to the needs of water based mammals. In other words, there wasn't enough for me to do here unless I took up aerobic, competitive shopping. 
How much time can a person spend on a beach slapping sunscreen on and flipping over?

Lastly it's a total in-your-face couples destination. The bonded pairs come in all sizes, shapes and ages. Lots of the younger units come here bearing freshly made babies. I'm tired of the twosomes stopping me (the only single person) in Lahaina to snap my photo. It hurts when they remark, "No one back home would believe this without proof." 

Rumors abound that Maui's officials will round up the dozen or so single people scattered around the island. There's talk of a possible exile on nearby Molokai Island. I guess they fear an outbreak of being single. 
Sort of a modern day version of a Leper Colony. 

Sigh! That being said, it all still beats winter on the Mainland.

Today I made a difference! These Damsels were in distress. They were  Farbluzhet (Yiddish for lost) within a quarter mile of the trailhead. I pointed them in the right direction, gave them a pep talk and walked away. I didn't want to be the third wheel again.

Maybe one day I'll come back to Maui with a girlfriend or just to shop. 