Friday, January 16, 2015

One Island Down...

Two to GO!

It's been over a month since I arrived on the "Garden Island" of Kauai. 
Once it stopped raining, it's been tubular! I can see how locals fall into the Island Time Zone. People move slower here.  It might be the Maui Wowie Ganga they smoke in these parts, or it might be the basic "Hang Loose! Hawaii" attitude. Whatever it is, I like it.

Speaking of Maui, that's my next island. A lot more people, 150 square miles of more space and one National Park. I told Brother Mike and bestest sister-in-law Robin, I would provide Shepa service on the "Valley Island" if they find a hike to their liking. It's the least I could do for them. 

Good night Kauai, 
Like Arnold Schwarzenegger said, "I'll be back!"

Thursday, January 15, 2015

My arms were so fatigued...

after my first kayak experience, I didn't have the strength to pick up an IPA.
Brother Mike came to my rescue once again. Now you see why I call him my hero? 

There I was on the Mighty Hanalei River shooting the rapids, beating the piranhas back and bailing like a banshee to stop the boat from swamping. Well, not exactly, but it sounded exciting. Didn't it?

Truthfully, I got sore and stiff in body regions I wasn't even aware I owned. Who knew muscles live underneath your armpits.

It was fun and peaceful and I would do it again. Next time though, I'll carry aspirins.

Sleep well,

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Be aware of Kikaheinie Peak...

No, that's not the name of this whoop ass mountain. It's a trail named after an Hawaiian liquor-Okolehao. The official hike ain't no biggie, it's what comes after that makes it special. 

From the "TahoeSux" blog: 

Disclaimer and Warning
It’s unlike me to put a warning and disclaimer in anything that I write about.  The entire TahoeSux blog is devoted to outdoor adventures that carry risk.  It’s up to the individual to do their own risk assessment.  Having said that, the “advanced version” of the trail is quite strenuous and potentially dangerous.  Here are my warnings for the awesome, epic, and totally worthwhile second half of the ‘Okolehao trail.

Don’t do the second, more advanced version of the hike if:

You considered the first half difficult.  The first half is a walk in the park compared to the second half.
If you have any fear of heights or vertigo.  Portions of the trail are a little over a foot wide along a volcanic spine with a drop on both sides (awesome!).
You absolutely need the fixed ropes to get up and down.  Some of them are sketchy and rotting, and not to be relied on until you’ve seen what they are anchored to.
You aren’t comfortable clamboring up and down steep (near vertical in parts) sections of trail in slippery mud via roots and rocks.
You have to talk your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife into the hike.  Don’t bring anyone who isn’t stoked to be there.
There is heavy rain. Parts of the trail are slick even without rain.
The Kauai Revealed guidebook has this to say about the second half of the trail: “nasty, scary, hard core, and death-defying make that a must-miss alternative.”

It's pretty standard of me to be light on the research when I take off to explore in the morning. This one caught me ill-prepared. Only one liter of water for a sweat provoking ordeal. This full body work out bonked me 500 feet below the summit. Ahh-hah! Out of my pack came the Jewish equivalent of two Cliff bars, three Powerbars and and at least four bananas. 
What you ask is this magic manna? A bagel with Jif Peanut Butter and blueberry preserves of course. After the carbo fix, the peak was do-able. 

With all the bobbing and weaving, ups and downs on the narrow ridge lines, the elevation gain seemed Everest-like (minus the Sherpas, crevices and White Death.)

There's a few trail condition shots (note the rope), a pretty flower, and a once clean T-shirt ready for the rubbish bin.

Ain't retirement great?