Monday, October 27, 2014

It was merely a...

flesh wound.

I drove the patient (Barley) to Caliber Collision for a new paint job as scheduled. The nice GEICO rep said, "Wait a minute, that's water based spray paint. We'll have it off in no time."

Faster than I could exclaim, "A pox on the vandal who painted WHY on my van," I was boogieing down Broadway in Boulder. Now, that's the way to start a day.

Please, don't tell the angry neighbor to use oil based paints next time.

I'll be moving along soon. The Front Range of Colorado is cooling down. I had to wear pants twice in the last few evenings. (My legs broke out in hives and I began to hyperventilate from the emotional strain.) 

Yep! We are one big happy traveling family once again,

PS. I would still keep an eye on your neighbors though. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

We interrupt this Blog...

To bring you a word from our sponsor.

Every now and then I receive fan mail about my one and only book.
I'm pretty proud of this missive. I attached it below:

WOW!!! Just finished Destroying Demon's...   My boyfriend Hank and I (ilya) met you 4/22/14 in Utah when we were dropped off at the trail head for a one way hike of the west rim trail. The driver was a bit sketchy about where the trail head was, and before the rest of us in the van had donned our backpacks, you were off and running and yelled "Miami" here it is. You were maybe 30 yards away and you got us all on the right track. You didn't know my name but you knew we lived in Miami from our conversation. Your book is awesome. I'm a slow reader, 1 or 2 pages before I fall asleep, but I've learned a great deal about the history, geography and culture of this wonderful country from your book.   I grew up in England and Jamaica so I wasn't schooled in American history. I think your book would be a great read for our young people. It's informative and inspiring. I was shocked at the end to learn about your close call with that hit you took. Hank and I are amazed at how incredibly fit you are. Thanks for leading us in the right direction in Utah and thanks for an inspiring read. I'm sad it's over but loved every bit, especially the little vignettes from your career as a firefighter at the beginning of each state. We wish you all the best.

Ain't that great?

A former girlfriend indignantly deemed the book to be pornographic.
Buy a copy and decide.
If I get a spike in sales, I'll know the cliche "Sex Sells" is correct.

If you buy a squeaky clean new book direct from Amazon, I score $3.52. Don't give up your day job to self publish a book, even if it might be a bit "Blue." 

Find it here before the holiday rush at Amazon begins! It's available on Kindle too.

PS. The ability to read separates humanity from the animals. Enjoy!


Friday, October 24, 2014

We are all coping...

Numerous showers couldn't rinse away the emotional angst of Barley's external violation. 

Fido and I donned black arm bands in a display of solidarity to honor our steady-as-a-rock traveling companion. 

As of this posting, there were no suspects to this mean-spirited crime. (Although the names Mr. Mustard, Miss Scarlet, Professor Plum and Mr. Green have been bandied about). Personally, I think the Butler or an angry neighbor did it. No other vehicles were tagged in the area. Barley was singled out and the "hit" was made. 

On Monday, I'll be taking my buddy in for a new paint job. GEICO (15 minutes could save you 15% on your van's insurance. They paid me to write that) is taking care of the details, including a rental car. 

I'll have to shell out two weeks worth of Happy Hour IPAs to cover my end of the loss. What's worse is losing my snug home and hearth for a few nights. No one wins when vandals strike. We all pay the price in increased insurance premiums and wasted resources. 

Be safe out there and ever vigilant. Fido was apparently asleep on guard duty when the painter struck.

Back in Boulder...
PS. Edna is so traumatized, she refuses to leave her post on the dashboard for a photo op. She's wearing a tiny black arm band too.