Saturday, August 22, 2020

I’m suffering from Covid...


I’m guessing I’m not alone. There’s probably around  331,000,000 of my fellow Mericans somehow affected by this malady as well. 

Here’s my symptoms:

I’m worn out by walking halfway into a grocery store then perform a quick 180 degrees when I discover I left my mask behind. (Only to find many “It’s my rights!” folks are unmasked in the same store.) I’m sick of the smell and feel of hand sanitizer. I’m burnt out from repeating my new mantras. “Don’t touch your face, eyes or nose.” and the ever popular  “Wash your hands!” I miss summer blockbuster movies and mindless brewpub patio Happy Hours. I’m tired of pondering “where have all the hugs gone?” I’m over the lameness of watching baseball (when their aren’t Covid cancellations) without real live fans in the stands. I’m exhausted of thinking about a future with more questions marks than answers. Most of all, I’m disgusted with Merica leading the World in total Covid cases and body count. (Shouting “We’re Number One! We’re Number One!” seems inane and inappropriate.) 

Covid has grown weary to me.

So how am I coping with this daily assault on my senses? I leave, that’s how. I say a silent “Bye Bye” to the endless news and possible sources of contamination. I head up gnarly roads with my 4X4 “New Toy.  I find isolated spots to camp. I hit the hiking trails early while others are still in “snooze mode.” I see incredible 100 mile views. I stay unmasked and mostly to myself. With any luck, I lack cell phone coverage. I eat when I’m hungry, sleep when I’m tired and take solar showers au naturel. My Happy Hours consist of IPAs, a bowl of mixed nuts and a NY Times Bestseller non-fiction book for company. The days go by in a simple and basic way. I feel stress less. I smile inwardly often. 

You might be thinking I’m Robinson Crusoe. I’m not. Sure, it would be nice to share the solitude with like minded folks. I’ve gone fishing  for company, however most of the time I return with an empty creel. I suppose everyone is dealing with Covid Fatigue in their own way. 

Good thing I had those 6.5 years of experience living alone in a Van down by the river! 

So Fellow Sufferers, hang in there. Maybe we can meet for a drink on the other side of Covid

Until then,
Stay safe, somewhat sane and healthy,


  1. Seeing that Uncompahgre National Forest sign reminded me of a place we hoped to see but never got there. Criswell Creek is on the Uncompahgre Plateau, and we wanted to go find it, but it was too far off the road for this geezer-on-oxygen. You can find it on Google Earth. If you ever happen to get to that creek, we'd appreciate a picture. Thanks!

  2. You always have this Jeff! Stay safe!

  3. I was just camping up there a few weeks ago and hiked that middle fork...awesome!
