Monday, May 27, 2024

Basecamp by Choice…

Back in the day when I didn’t possess a physical address, I named my unique lifestyle “Homeless by Choice.” 

For 6.5 years, there were no monthly rent or mortgage payments. I spent my money wandering around the world. To be frank, (but don’t call me Frank) I’d still be out there if I were able to script the weather and length of daylight hours. (Low 70s with a few cotton-ball clouds accompanied by 12-14 hours of sunshine). However I lacked those superpowers to make it so. 

Plus, honestly I began to feel lonely “out there” too.

In that handful plus of years I was always on the lookout for possible places to settle down. I deemed Idaho, Wyoming and Montana too far north (long winters) and too far right-wing conservative for me. 

I previously attempted Tucson, Arizona  but it turned out to be my four years of discontent.

California in my opinion is the most diverse and beautiful state in the country but 39 million other people think so too. 

Oregon and Washington are nicknamed the “Great Northwet” for a reason. 

The Mormon influence in Utah makes getting an IPA or just chillin’ at a brewpub too challenging and limiting. 

I love New Mexico and truly believe it’s the “Land of Enchantment” but never heard a town or city calling my name. 

That left  Durango, Colorado and its epicenter location to the incredibly interesting and scenic Four Corners region. Being here is equivalent to winning the Powerball of natural wonder.

It’s been nearly five years since I’ve been paying rent and utilities in this small city of 19,000. Guess what? It hasn’t been a panacea for my feeling of loneliness.

I’m not sure if it’s me or a sign of the times, (or both) but meaningful relationships are hard to come by here.

This leaves me with the option of hanging full time in Durango and experiencing social deprivation or heading out and exploring the four cardinal directions of the Four Corners. Right, left, in front of me and behind me. Hence, now I call my in and out (mostly out) of Durango lifestyle “Basecamp by Choice.” 


I’m still residing in Durango. Just not that often! I do have a physical address there. Been there done that with the Homeless by Choice lifestyle. No mas.

Remember the name of my blog is the Wandering Wondering Jew, not the Wondering Homebody Jew. 

If you were given two solo Happy Hour views, which would you choose?

There are times during my campouts where I’ll speak out loud just to make sure my vocal cords still function. There are days in Durango when the only words I’ll speak is “Yes Please! I’d like another IPA” I prefer the former instead of the ladder. 

The Wandering Wondering Jew rest his case.

Stay safe out there and keep exploring,