Sunday, January 17, 2021

An Open Letter to all Reasonable...

 Moderate Republicans, 

 Hi Guys we need to talk. In the past few decades, you folks have been asleep at the wheel. The Party of Lincoln  allowed the Fox Fake News Network into the hen house. Moderates like yourselves are culpable to the recent chaos and calamity heaped unto our 224 year old Democracy. BUT you can now be part of a sensible solution. It wasn’t all that long ago the GOP preached fiscal responsibility, the “compassionate conservatism” of George W. Bush  and family values. 

Regretfully, the Republican political platform has now morphed into something strange and sinister.  What the Hell happened! What led up to this infamous moment in our shared history?

As usual I have strong opinions. My take is that it began in the 70’s and 80’s with the Sagebrush Rebellion. A western states movement in which supporters favored limited Federal Government control over Public Lands, including ownership. Many wanted to see a western landscape dotted with “For Sale” signs. 

The movement gained traction when candidate Reagan dramatically proclaimed, “I happen to be one who cheers and supports the Sagebrush Rebellion. Count me in as a rebel.” A few months later at his Inauguration, Reagan declared, “Government is not the solution to our problem, Government IS the problem.” Here’s the  Leader of the Federal Government dissing the organization he represents. Now isn’t that special! 

Reagan planted the seeds of mistrust of Government. It’s cool to be a Rebel.

 Reagan’s Administration favored tax breaks to the wealthy (AKA Trickle Down Economics. In other words, telling the commoners it’s raining when they’re really pissing on our backs), and deregulations. (Clean air, water and land are so overrated.).

In Congress the years went by with a Newt Gingrich divisive attitude between the aisles. Compromise and placing Country over Party became so passé. 

Then came the Tea Party bitching once again about high taxes and too much regulation. OY! 

In 2009 a Harvard Educated Black Man moved into the White House for eight years. For many Whites this was an  “End of Days” scenario.

When Obama’s cycle was almost done, the long drawn out process of transfer of presidential power began. Out of the depths of an overflowing Porta Potty rose the GOP’s candidate. A loathsome liar with a history of placing his hands where they don’t belong. As a DC outsider he promised to “Drain the Swamp,” hire only the “best” people and build the Great Wall of Racism with Mexican Pesos. The demagogue pointed his fat finger at Muslims, Mexicans and immigrants blaming them for out Nation’s woes. The Con Man perpetrated the myth of Obama’s African birth.. He was telling it like it is. The mobs loved it.

The Trumpism movement attracted the attention of Libertarians, (a nice way of saying Anarchists),  NRA gun nuts who appreciated the twenty Newtown, CT children who laid down their lives to preserve the Second Amendment, CINO’s (Christians in Name Only), JINO’s (Jews in Name Only) and of course well armed White Supremacists (AKA White Taliban). All these strange bedfellows had found their Leader. We know what happened next.

The moderates wrongfully believed they could control this rabid loser. They’d use Trump to achieve their goals. Yep! You guessed it. Lower taxes for the Uber wealthy and deregulation. However, the moderates overestimated their power. and underestimated Trump’s win at all cost strategy, even if it meant destroying our Democracy. Now we’re all in a fine mess. 

As moderate and reasonable Republicans you are now faced with a lose-lose situation. Flush the GOP of Trumpism starting with the 147 Congressmen and 6 Senators who voted to overturn the election results based on an alternative reality OR walk away and start a third party. Maybe call it Whigs II. I know. Tough choices, but it’s high time you grew a spine. This Dark Moment in our history occurred under your watch. Deal with it.

Final thought: There’s a reason this wasn’t an open letter to ALL Republicans. The extreme side of the GOP is BUSY! They are maneuvering and making plans to violently overthrow a legitimately  elected Government. For the sake of all reasonable people, let’s hope the Second Beer Hall Putsch fails.

BTW: Has anyone ever seen Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate? Yeah, neither have I. 

Drain the Cesspool! Make America Sane Again!


  1. The cartoons were certainly funny, but the overall situation is scary.

  2. And I always find your blogs interesting.

  3. Good Cliff Notes history lesson. These is such sad, scary and devastating times in the USA. I remember when the word "surprise" made me feel joyful and excited and I would shake my head up and down with delight. Now and mostly when I hear the word, I shake my head right to left in utter dismay. What is to come? How many more lives are going to be lost? What are T-rump's true plans? How do we tame the monster and his followers. I don't even need to hear the word "surprise," as I'm writing, I'm shaking my head right to left, right to left, right to left. If only that could happen in the political sense.

  4. Amen, brother! Voltaire and D.D.E. were right. How long does it take us to learn??
    Peter, Paul and Mary were right too.......the answer is blowin in the wind.

  5. We are a party of one and that’s not the answer either. Why do other countries have many parties representing all perspectives and we have such a messed up corporate controlled government?
